1/16 Note 5 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

#LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  1/16 Note  5

Switches the note/rest value to a sixteenth note. Any notes/rests entered will be sixteenths.

I can’t remember far enough back to compare the Logic ‘Step Input’ with Finale or Studio Vision (the tools I used in 1990) but with a bit of practice single voice part entry could be almost as fast as using a pen on paper — possibly even faster.

Use step input recording in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Step input allows you to insert MIDI notes when you’re not recording in real time. You can use step input to create note runs that may be too fast for you to play or to replicate sheet music that’s too difficult for you to play.

⇧ SHIFT  –  ⌃ CONTROL  –  ⌥ OPTION  –  ⌘ COMMAND– Step Input Keyboard

Step Input Keyboard

Note “C” A
Note “C#” W
Note “D” S
Note “D#” E
Note “E” D
Note “F” F
Note “F#” T
Note “G” G
Note “G#” Y
Note “A” H
Note “A#” U
Note “B” J
Rest ˽
Next note will be sharp ⇧3
Next note will be flat ⇧B
Chord Mode `
Delete - Step Input ⌃⌫
Step Backwards ←
Step Forward →
Octave 0
Octave 1
Octave 2
Octave 3
Octave 4
Octave 5
Octave 6
Octave - 2 ⇧Z
Octave - 1 Z
Octave + 1 X
Octave + 2 ⇧X
1/1 Note 1
1/2 Note 2
1/4 Note 3
1/8 Note 4
1/16 Note 5
1/32 Note 6
1/64 Note 7
1/128 Note 8
Triplets on/off 9
Dotted note values on/off 0
Velocity 16 (ppp) C
Velocity 32 (pp) V
Velocity 48 (p) B
Velocity 64 (mp) N
Velocity 80 (mf) M
Velocity 96 (f) ,
Velocity 112 (ff) .
Velocity 127 (fff) /
Quantize note starts On/Off Q

Apply Transform User Preset 19 to selected Events — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

#LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Apply Transform User Preset 19 to selected Events

This is one of the 30 user transform commands. There are two ways to apply transforms — “Apply Transform” and “Select and Operate”. Looking at the Transform window I see that there are the options to “Select Only”, “Operate Only”, and “Select and Operate”. Sort of like PERL for MIDI events 😉

The best introduction I could find for MIDI Transform Sets is the table that describes the pre-defined transforms. The operations and selection criteria help me to understand what is possible.

Logic Pro MIDI Transform presets overview — Apple Support

The table below describes the operations performed by the MIDI Transform window presets in Logic Pro.

 Logic Pro MIDI Transform window overview — Apple Support

The MIDI Transform window is so-named because it transforms MIDI events—based on conditions, operations, and values you choose—into different types of events, or events with different values.


SoundCard Console

Sometimes it just takes a screenshot to remember some of the details…

Set Move Track Automation with Regions to Always — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

#LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Move Track Automation with Regions to Always

Sometimes the automation is what really makes the sound. 

Select, copy, and move automation in Logic Pro — Apple Support

In Logic Pro, control-click the track lane, then choose one of the following options from the shortcut menu that appears:

  • Never move Automation with Regions
  • Always move Automation with Regions
  • Ask to move Automation with Regions