Explode Folders ⌃F — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Explode Folders ⌃F

Used in the Score Editor to show/hide contents of folders in the display. Folders are a workflow thing, and I’m just not seeing the benefits in smaller projects.

Show or hide folder contents — Logic Pro X

If the current display level allows more than one MIDI region to be viewed simultaneously (linked or unlinked), the Explode Folders setting lets you display, and print, the contents of different display (folder) levels simultaneously.

Still not seeing where it can help me…


Automation Curve Tool W — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Automation Curve Tool    W

I claimed that I wouldn’t use keyboard commands…

Set Automation Curve Tool — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day — learning at the elbow of the internet

It appears that the ‘W’ key selects the Automation Curve Tool. It is highly unlikely that I will use key commands. I have set the right mouse button to show both tools and menu commands. Lots of visual reinforcement.

but I didn’t really state it well. The ‘W’ key selects the Automation Curve tool when the Tool menu is open. The proper key sequence is ‘TW’. I doubt that I would assign a whole, special key command to replace simple two key sequence.

Some poorly worded documentation.

Common tools — Logic Pro X

Use to Automation Curve tool to bend or reshape the curve between two automation points, creating a nonlinear transition between the points.


New Tracks… ⌥⌘N — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  New Tracks…    ⌥⌘N

Open the New Tracks dialog. Allows you to create any/all kinds of tracks with your selected options. Just like clicking the big “+” button at the top of the Arrange window.

In a very useful touch, clicking on the “?” at the bottom left of the dialog box (it’s modal) opens the help viewer to the “Create tracks” page…the same as the link below.

Create tracks — Logic Pro X

You add tracks to a project to hold your recordings, loops, and other material. When you add a track, you can choose the track type, format, input source (for audio tracks), and output, and create multiple tracks. The options in the New Tracks dialog vary, depending on the type of track you are creating.


Rename Screenset… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Rename Screenset…

I need to work with screensets a whole lot more. I have a few, but I rarely switch with any frequency.

I should create an “outline” of mixing a song using screensets to accommodate each of the phases. Step through the screensets, and when I get through the steps save the project, make a new alternative, and proceed.

There might be some benefit to using a MIDI region to switch the display to an appropriate screenset during playback — like open Marker list, Event list, and arrange window.

Create, recall, and switch screensets — Logic Pro X

You position windows in a layout that suits the way you work. This layout of various windows, including their display size, zoom levels, position, and other settings, is called a screenset. Once defined, you can save, and freely switch between different screensets, much as you might between different computer displays.


Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Note Value — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Note Value

The word “optimal” cannot be found in the Logic Pro X documentation except in the keyboard shortcut reference section. Literally no discussion of the command located — “Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar”, and no mention at all of the command of the day.

Little to no reference found on the web.

Let’s check Logic Pro 9 help file…bingo

Our command used to be called “Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Denominator” which only makes sense if you treat your music as if it had a time signature — what a relic.

There is an entire section of the “old” manual that doesn’t exist in Logic Pro X documentation. I have extracted that and saved a copy here…

Logic Pro 9 User Manual: Resizing Regions

The MIDI > Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar command (or the corresponding key command, default assignment: Shift-Command-B) reduces or increases the length of a selected MIDI region, making it just large enough to contain the events (or regions, if a folder) within it. The region borders are rounded to the nearest bar.