Automation Curve Tool W — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Automation Curve Tool    W

I claimed that I wouldn’t use keyboard commands…

Set Automation Curve Tool — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day — learning at the elbow of the internet

It appears that the ‘W’ key selects the Automation Curve Tool. It is highly unlikely that I will use key commands. I have set the right mouse button to show both tools and menu commands. Lots of visual reinforcement.

but I didn’t really state it well. The ‘W’ key selects the Automation Curve tool when the Tool menu is open. The proper key sequence is ‘TW’. I doubt that I would assign a whole, special key command to replace simple two key sequence.

Some poorly worded documentation.

Common tools — Logic Pro X

Use to Automation Curve tool to bend or reshape the curve between two automation points, creating a nonlinear transition between the points.