Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read ⌃⌘A — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read    ⌃⌘A

Switch current track automation between Latch and Read. Changes the Automation label to appropriate value. Changes the Automation controls on MCU to correspond.

Choose automation modes — Logic Pro X

Automation modes determine how automation tracks are treated. Automation is either being read or being written. You can independently set the automation mode for each track. You can also trim automation values and record relative automation data.


- Global Commands
Toggle Current Track Automation Off/Read ⌃⌘O ⌃3⃣
Toggle Current Track Automation Touch/Read ⌃2⃣
Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read ⌃⌘A
Toggle Current Track Automation Write/Read
Toggle Current Track Automation Trim Mode
Toggle Current Track Automation Write Relative Mode
Toggle Move Track Automation with Regions Never/Always

- Views Showing Automation
Automation: Toggle Track/Region

Go to Marker Number 7 𝍖7 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

Go to Marker Number 7  𝍖 7 - keypad 7

𝍖 key was hard to find

Markers by numbers. 20 of them! The idea and concept of jumping around in audio by a number makes no sense to me. Jump to arrangement position (chorus, verse), del signo, even bar numbers for reading a score.

I use markers. I listen to mixes and drop markers where I want to go look. Best for me for listening is to listen on headphones and use the X-Touch (MCU) for transport and inserting markers. Don’t look at the tracks at all.

I posted an entry with the excerpt from the manual — Mackie Control Markers

NB — I have removed all 20 of the keypad go to marker commands. I will eventually find a suitable set of commands to place there. Why waste 20 good key commands? If I want to get to a marker by number I can just use “Go to Marker Number (⌥/ — option-/) and enter the number. I am more likely to use next/previous marker with the set locators feature (Go to next marker and set locators) — option-comma and option-period (⌥, and ⌥.) think left/right



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What Is an Ideal Mastering Signal Chain?

by Oscar Zambrano, iZotope Contributor July 10, 2019

Ozone 8 is a great starting environment to build a mastering signal chain.
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