How to sidechain in Logic Pro X

How to sidechain in Logic Pro X

The sidechaining process has become a popular and essential tool for many professional mix engineers, but how can we apply the technique in Logic Pro X? Here’s a sideways look…

By Mark Cousins — 23rd July 2019

ES2 side chaining sounds like fun. Noise Gate and Auto Filter are also interesting.

Show/Hide Sends — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide Sends

Toggles the display of the sends in mixer windows. Does not affect the inspector. It is possible to program all of the channel strip components — normally configured from the conextual menu.


Default Syncopation — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Default Syncopation

Sets syncopation to the default state.

Syncopation — Logic Pro X

Syncopation involves rhythmic patterns that go against the normal rhythm as defined by the time signature. The Syncopation setting helps you produce a cleaner-looking score by displaying syncopated notes with fewer ties or subdivisions.

Change the syncopation or interpretation of notes — Logic Pro X

By default, note syncopation and interpretation match the settings chosen in the Region inspector. You can change interpretation settings for individual notes to improve readability.


   Command Key Touch Bar

- Score Editor
Default Syncopation
Force Syncopation ⌃⇧Y
Defeat Syncopation ⌃Y

Move Locators Backwards by 1 Bar — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Move Locators Backwards by 1 Bar

Another set of commands missing from the Logic Pro X documentation. Missing from Logic Pro 9 as well.

The Cycle Length movement is probably most common.

All of these interesting things can be found by control-clicking in the Marquee stripe — effectively the bar numbers or time ruler.

It is very useful to have the Marquee ruler visible. You can see where the Marquee selection is even if the regions are scrolled off the screen.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Global Commands
Move Locators Forward by Cycle Length ⇧⌘. 8⃣
Move Locators Backwards by Cycle Length ⇧⌘, 7⃣
Move Locators Forward by 1 Bar
Move Locators Backwards by 1 Bar

Snap Automation Mode: 1/2 Triplet (1/3) — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Snap Automation Mode: 1/2 Triplet (1/3)

When creating things “in tempo” it can be very valuable to apply automation at the proper place in performance.

Can I automate articulations? Doesn’t appear to be possible (or maybe even reasonable.)

Snap automation to grid positions — Logic Pro X

You can snap track automation to grid positions. You can choose if you want automation to automatically use the division value chosen in the Snap menu, or you can choose a different snap value for automation.