Set Row Playback Mode to Forward ⌃] — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Set Row Playback Mode to Forward    ⌃]

From the new Step Sequencer in Logic Pro X — 10.5.

At some point I will need to go way back and re-visit my days of sequencing using Opcode’s “Vision”.

Edit Step Sequencer pattern, row, and step settings in Logic Pro — Apple Support

To change the playback mode for the row: Click one of the Playback Mode buttons. The choices are, from left to right:

  • Forward: Steps play from left to right.
  • Backward: Steps play from right to left.
  • Ping-Pong: Playback alternates between left to right and right to left.
  • Random: Steps play in an undetermined order.

Insert: Decrescendo ⌃⇧. — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Insert: Decrescendo    ⌃⇧.

Using this command is so much easier than finding the decrescendo in the part box and dragging it to the location. Simply click at the right spot, press the keys, presto.

I have observed that for a software instrument (Classical Piano) a meta event on MIDI channel 2 is inserted — Crescendo — for both crescendo and decrescendo. The length is indicated in bars and beats. I have no idea how (or if) the direction is indicated or used.

Add dynamic marks, slurs, and crescendi to a score in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can add slurs to indicate notes that should be played legato, and add dynamic crescendo and decrescendo symbols (sometimes called hairpins). Automatic slurs can cover a selected group of notes, and adjust when the notes are copied, moved, or transposed. Using key commands, you can quickly add and edit automatic slurs for an entire phrase, part, or score.

Beam Selected Notes ⌃B — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Beam Selected Notes    ⌃B

Forces a beam to the following note.

It would make sense for me to learn some of the finer points of score editing in Logic.

I originally learned to write scores by hand. Was fascinated by a “Music Typewriter”, but found it too hard. Jumped on “Finale”, version 1. Very complex. Expensive. I paid for my Finale license and made money with it by scoring parts — $10 per page by hand. Now there are far too many scoring tools to really think about, and I’m not really in the business anymore.

As an exercise I could re-create my modulations “homework sheet” in a Logic project.

Control beaming in the Logic Pro Score Editor — Apple Support

By default, a note’s stem direction and length depend on the settings in the Staff Style window. You can change these attributes to improve readability; for example, to group notes meant to be played as a voice in a polyphonic passage.

Unlock SMPTE Position ⌘⇞ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Unlock SMPTE Position    ⌘⇞

Command-PageUp. If you hover your pointer over the “Key” field the translation of the symbols will appear below the pointer. That’s how I finally can figure out all the weird symbols.

At some point I’m going to be working on audio for a video. It will be good to have these commands “nearby” to help me along.

Protect the position of events in Logic Pro — Apple Support

There are situations when you want to prevent certain events from being moved. For example, several note events may be used to trigger footstep samples that match an actor walking down a corridor in a movie soundtrack.

Command    Key Touch Bar
- Global Commands
Move Movie Region (and SMPTE Position) to Project Start
Move Movie Region (and SMPTE Position) to Playhead

- Main Window Tracks and Various Editors
Unlock SMPTE Position ⌘⇞
Lock SMPTE Position ⌘⇟
Lock/Unlock SMPTE Position ⌃⌥⇧⌘⌦