Toggle Channel Strip Solo S — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Channel Strip Solo  S

Toggle the solo state of the selected channel strip. Where to Solo can be confusing. Soloing a channel strip allows all tracks that are assigned to the channel strip to play. Soloing a track affects the selected track(s).

Mute and solo channel strips — Logic Pro X

You can also listen to a channel strip signal alone (solo), silencing all other channel strips. Soloing channel strips is useful when you want to work on a track or region individually; for example, when you’re editing regions on the track, re-recording a part, or adjusting volume curves.

Solo tracks — Logic Pro X

You can solo a track, silencing all tracks that are not also soloed. Soloing tracks is useful when you want to work on a track individually, or work on a few tracks, without hearing the other tracks in the project.

Mute and solo regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can solo multiple regions by clicking them, then click-holding one of the selected regions with the Solo tool. Playback starts from the position of the pointer until you release the mouse button.


Apply Transform User Preset 12 to selected Events — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Apply Transform User Preset 12 to selected Events

The MIDI Transform window can be opened from the Window menu, or by entering ‘⌘9’. There are 30 ‘Apply Transform User Preset … to selected Events’.

Use transform sets — Logic Pro X:

1. Choose Create New Transform Set from the Presets pop-up menu.

2. Set conditions and operations.

3. Select the “Hide unused parameters” checkbox. This helps to avoid changes to conditions and operations that aren’t required for (or may disturb) your transform set.

4. Choose New Parameter Set (Number) from the Presets pop-up menu. Enter a new name for your transform set.

This transform set now appears at the bottom of the Presets list in all MIDI Transform windows for this project. You should consider saving your user transform sets in one or more template projects. This way, they are always available to you in all future projects.

Tip: Renaming an existing transform set creates a new transform set that is identical to the original. The existing (source) transform set is retained.


Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Delete outside Locators -> Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators

Only keep what is between the locators. My list of Logic Pro X keyboard commands was out of date.

The ‘Delete outside Locators’ command (not looking proper) is correctly named ‘Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators’ (looks proper). The command makes sense with MIDI events, not necessarily much sense with audio data.

Mute and delete regions and events — Logic Pro X

Inside or Outside Locators: Erases all MIDI events inside/outside the locators.

Delete notes in the Piano Roll Editor — Logic Pro X

When copying events or reducing the length of MIDI regions, events can sometimes end up outside the limits of a MIDI region. These technically still belong to the MIDI region, although they won’t be played or heard.


Logic Pro X 10.4.5

#LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Logic Pro X 10.4.5

This is a very nice update.

Logic Pro X 10.4 release notes — Apple Support

Use the new Pressed filter button in the Key Commands window to see if a key combination already has a command assigned to it.