Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value ⌥← — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value    ⌥←

Moves the starting position of the event to the left by the Nudge Value. Quick way to get things lined up to be sample/frame/beat aligned. I typically show the toolbar and set the nudge value there. Just a simple reminder of the settings.

Move regions in the Logic Pro Tracks area — Apple Support

You can nudge regions (move them in small increments) left or right using key commands. To nudge regions, you first set the nudge value, then move selected regions by this value. Alternatively, you can nudge regions by a set value.

– Control Surface Install Window — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  - Control Surface Install Window

This is a grouping header in the Key Commands window. First time I have had one come up in my random selection of commands. Kind of amusing, too. There are only two commands contained within the group.

Command    Key Touch Bar
- Control Surface Install Window
Scan for Selected Models
Add Selected Models

Add a control surface to Logic Pro — Apple Support

Some control surfaces such as Mackie Control are detected automatically when you open Logic Pro. You can add other devices that are not detected automatically using the Setup window. Installation is covered in the setup section for your particular device. Some devices may require different or additional steps, but in most cases you only need to select the name of the device you want to use with Logic Pro, then add it. When you add a control surface device, it is represented by an icon in the Device area of the Control Surface Setup window.

Next note will be flat ⇧B — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Next note will be flat ⇧B

When using the Step Input Keyboard pressing shift-B indicates that the next note input will be flat. Shift-3 for sharp.

Use step input recording in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Step input allows you to insert MIDI notes when you’re not recording in real time. You can use step input to create note runs that may be too fast for you to play or to replicate sheet music that’s too difficult for you to play.

Export All Tracks as Audio Files… ⇧⌘E — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Export All Tracks as Audio Files…    ⇧⌘E

Export all audio, software instrument, and Drummer tracks as audio files. This command can be used to export effects buses as well — make sure the effects channel has a track created for it.

Fast and efficient way to create “stems” for sharing with others.

Export tracks as audio files in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can export one or more selected tracks as audio files, or export all tracks (all audio, software instrument, and Drummer tracks) in a project as audio files—one file per track. When you export tracks as audio files, you can specify the naming of the audio files using filename elements.

Recall Screenset 5x ⇧5 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Recall Screenset 5x    ⇧5

Recall screenset(s) 50 through 59. There can be 99 screensets — a lot, but you could use a screenset per scene in a video, possibly.

Create, recall, and switch screensets — Logic Pro X

You position windows in a layout that suits the way you work. This layout of various windows, including their display size, zoom levels, position, and other settings, is called a screenset. Once defined, you can save, and freely switch between different screensets, much as you might between different computer displays.

Create and recall screensets in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You don’t need to save screensets with an explicit command. It happens automatically, as soon as you switch to another screenset. Thus, without any effort, your current working view is always stored as the current screenset.