3rd Party Plug-In Control Surface Parameter Lists — Logic Pro Help

3rd Party Plug-In Control Surface Parameter Lists — Logic Pro Help

Since Logic 9, we have CSParameterOrder.plist files for Logic’s native plug-ins. These can be made for 3rd party plug-ins as well. These lists allow you to reorder or remove parameters as they appear on a supported control surface.

Useful discussion of using parameter lists to change the order of controls when working with control surfaces. The default controls for EQ are great, but many plugins need better arrangements.

I’m still dealing with Smart Controls — a whole different story.

Sync intern/extern — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Sync intern/extern

Turns on/off synchronization. Sync control is a button in the control bar (right side) which has a menu of choices for synchronization.

External synchronization — Logic Pro X

You can use the Sync button to turn external synchronization on or off at any time, without changing the selected synchronization source. This allows you to temporarily disengage Logic Pro X (running as a slave) from an external synchronization master device and could prove useful, for example, if you need to quickly edit a MIDI region while the external synchronization source—tape machine, VTR, and so on—is still running.


Go to Marker Number 8 𝍖 8 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Go to Marker Number 8    𝍖8

Markers by numbers. 20 of them! The idea and concept of jumping around in audio by a number makes no sense to me. Jump to arrangement position (chorus, verse), del signo, even bar numbers for reading a score.

I use markers. I listen to mixes and drop markers where I want to go look. Best for me for listening is to listen on headphones and use the X-Touch (MCU) for transport and inserting markers. Don’t look at the tracks at all.

I posted an entry with the excerpt from the manual — Mackie Control Markers

NB — I have removed all 20 of the keypad go to marker commands. I will eventually find a suitable set of commands to place there. Why waste 20 good key commands? If I want to get to a marker by number I can just use “Go to Marker Number (⌥/ — option-/) and enter the number. I am more likely to use next/previous marker with the set locators feature (Go to next marker and set locators) — option-comma and option-period (⌥, and ⌥.) think left/right


Convert Regions to New Sampler Track ⌃E — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Convert Regions to New Sampler Track   ⌃E

This is kind of fun to play with.

Convert audio regions to sampler instruments — Logic Pro X

You can convert audio regions to sampler instruments with the Convert Regions to New Sampler Track function (default key command: Control-E). All selected regions are sequentially mapped—in accordance with their timeline positions—to the specified key range, starting with the lowest note.

Perhaps best described in the Sound on Sound review of the “new” Logic Pro 9 back in 2009…

Apple Logic Pro 9

The snappily named ‘Convert Regions to New Sampler Track’ command makes it possible to trigger audio regions via EXS24 in one of two ways. First, you can create an EXS24 instrument that maps an audio region so that it can be triggered from one MIDI note, making it easy to recreate ’80s-style st-st-stuttering effects. Or — very neatly — you can ask Logic to create a new EXS24 instrument based on the transients detected in the audio region. In this way, rather like ReCycle and similar loop-based tools, Logic will slice up the audio region and assign each slice to be triggered by a different note. You can specify the range of notes that will be used, which is handy if you want to turn a drum loop into a playable kit on your MIDI keyboard, for example.