Selection Start and End to Previous Transient and Play ⌥⌘← — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Selection Start and End to Previous Transient and Play    ⌥⌘←

In the Audio File Editor. Cleaning up drum bleed could be remarkably simple using the transients as guidelines. I am not the person to go to for editing advice, being performance oriented, but this is mighty handy.

Use transient markers to make selections — Logic Pro X

You can use transient markers to select part of an audio file for editing purposes.


Trim Region Start to Previous Transient ⌃⇧[ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Trim Region Start to Previous Transient    ⌃⇧[

Sometimes “trim” means “make longer” or “move start”. Moving to previous will lengthen the region. Moving to next will shorten the region, leaving blank track.

The “best” description I can find about moving to/from transients is in the Audio File Editor documentation.

Use transient markers to make selections — Logic Pro X

You can use transient markers to select part of an audio file for editing purposes.

It doesn’t define region trimming, but gives a decent description.


Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Delete outside Locators -> Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators

Only keep what is between the locators. My list of Logic Pro X keyboard commands was out of date.

The ‘Delete outside Locators’ command (not looking proper) is correctly named ‘Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators’ (looks proper). The command makes sense with MIDI events, not necessarily much sense with audio data.

Mute and delete regions and events — Logic Pro X

Inside or Outside Locators: Erases all MIDI events inside/outside the locators.

Delete notes in the Piano Roll Editor — Logic Pro X

When copying events or reducing the length of MIDI regions, events can sometimes end up outside the limits of a MIDI region. These technically still belong to the MIDI region, although they won’t be played or heard.


Center around Playhead ↓ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Center around Playhead ↓

Smart Tempo Editor tool. The assigned keyboard shortcut — down-arrow — only seems to work with audio regions. With MIDI regions it has no effect, in fact, moves to the next track in the Arrange window.

Smart Tempo overview — Logic Pro X

Smart Tempo brings powerful new tempo analysis and editing capabilities to Logic Pro. With Smart Tempo you can record a performance without the metronome and have Logic Pro adapt the project tempo to match the tempo of the recording, or keep the project tempo and flex the recording to match it. Smart Tempo also makes it easy to create remixes using audio files and MIDI regions with different tempos that all conform to the project tempo, or adapt the project tempo to the tempo of an imported audio file or MIDI region.


Join Regions/Notes ⌘J ⌘:four: — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Join Regions/Notes    ⌘J    ⌘:four:

Combine separate regions/notes into a single region. With audio regions, if the joined region is “contiguous” in the original audio the region is simply extended to include those selected. If there are gaps (or regions from different audio files are selected) a new audio file will be created for the joined region.

MIDI notes that are joined simply create a single note that has a duration of the sum of the durations of the joined notestime from the start of the first note to the end of the furthest away note.

Join regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can join untransposed audio regions, and join MIDI regions. Regions from audio Apple Loops, and audio regions that have been transposed, can’t be joined.