Scrub Rewind — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Scrub Rewind

Scrub while rewinding. I use the jog wheel on the X-Touch in most cases. Press the SCRUB button and move the jog wheel in the proper direction. It is easier to speed up/slow down using the wheel.

I have difficulty getting audio to scrub. My suspicion is that I don’t have audio scrubbing enabled in the tracks area.

Audio Editing preferences in Logic Pro — Apple Support

“Scrubbing with audio in Tracks area” checkbox: When selected, you can scrub audio regions in the Tracks area using the Scissors or Solo tools.

 That was the problem. Only took me years to discover it. I spent a lot of time trying to position the playhead at just the right spot in live recordings. Score one for me.

Scrub a Logic Pro project — Apple Support

You can scrub a project to locate or listen to a sound at a particular point in time. When you scrub a project, you quickly audition it by moving the playhead across the Tracks area. The speed at which you move the playhead controls the playback speed. Scrubbing makes it easy to zero in on a particular drum beat or other audio event before cutting or editing a region.

Slice at Transient Markers — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Slice at Transient Markers

I have never edited a drum track or any other instrument to get things “on the beat”. It always looks so hard, or at least tedious, in other DAWs. This looks like it should be the simplest thing to do…

Flex Time algorithms and parameters in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Slicing cuts the audio material at transient markers, then shifts the audio while playing each slice at its original speed. No time compression or expansion is applied to the shifted audio. Any gaps that occur as a result of shifting the audio can be filled using the decay function. Slicing is a good choice for drums and percussion and comes with the following parameters:

Scrub Forward — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Scrub Forward

Scrub the playhead forward. Assigning forward and backward to keys might help the process. Remembering how to get audio to play while scrubbing helps too.

My simple preference is to press the ‘SCRUB’ button on the X-Touch (MCU) and use the scroll wheel to move backward and forward.

Scrub the project — Logic Pro X

You can scrub a project to locate or listen to a sound at a particular point in time. When you scrub a project, you quickly audition it by moving the playhead across the Tracks area. The speed at which you move the playhead controls the playback speed. Scrubbing makes it easy to zero in on a particular drum beat or other audio event before cutting or editing a region.