Velocity 64 (mp) N — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Velocity 64 (mp)    N

Certainly a different way to “chord keys”.

Use step input recording techniques — Logic Pro X:

Step input allows you to insert MIDI notes when you’re not recording in real time. You can use step input to create note runs that may be too fast for you to play or to replicate sheet music that’s too difficult for you to play.

To set the velocity of the inserted note: Click the Velocity buttons.

There are eight velocity values—represented by the traditional volume indicators ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, and fff. These correspond to MIDI velocity values 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, and 127, respectively.


Command    Key Touch Bar

- Step Input Keyboard
Note “C” A
Note “C#” W
Note “D” S
Note “D#” E
Note “E” D
Note “F” F
Note “F#” T
Note “G” G
Note “G#” Y
Note “A” H
Note “A#” U
Note “B” J
Rest ˽
Next note will be sharp ⇧3
Next note will be flat ⇧B
Chord Mode `
Delete ⌃⌫
Step Backwards ←
Step Forward →
Octave 0
Octave 1
Octave 2
Octave 3
Octave 4
Octave 5
Octave 6
Octave - 2 ⇧Z
Octave - 1 Z
Octave + 1 X
Octave + 2 ⇧X
1/1 Note 1
1/2 Note 2
1/4 Note 3
1/8 Note 4
1/16 Note 5
1/32 Note 6
1/64 Note 7
1/128 Note 8
Triplets on/off 9
Dotted note values on/off 0
Velocity 16 (ppp) C
Velocity 32 (pp) V
Velocity 48 (p) B
Velocity 64 (mp) N
Velocity 80 (mf) M
Velocity 96 (f) ,
Velocity 112 (ff) .
Velocity 127 (fff) /
Quantize note starts On/Off Q

Set Smart Tempo Mode to Keep — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Smart Tempo Mode to Keep

Keep Project Tempo: Maintains the project tempo when you record audio or MIDI, or when you import audio files. Audio regions for which the Flex & Follow parameter is not set to Off conform to the project tempo. Choose this mode to work as in previous versions of Logic Pro.

Smart Tempo overview — Logic Pro X:

Smart Tempo brings powerful new tempo analysis and editing capabilities to Logic Pro. With Smart Tempo you can record a performance without the metronome and have Logic Pro adapt the project tempo to match the tempo of the recording, or keep the project tempo and flex the recording to match it. Smart Tempo also makes it easy to create remixes using audio files and MIDI regions with different tempos that all conform to the project tempo, or adapt the project tempo to the tempo of an imported audio file or MIDI region.


- Global Commands
Toggle Smart Tempo Mode (Keep/Adapt)
Set Smart Tempo Mode to Keep
Set Smart Tempo Mode to Adapt
Set Smart Tempo Mode to Automatic

Which Vocal Compressor is Right for the Mix? — Produce Like A Pro

Which Vocal Compressor is Right for the Mix? — Produce Like A Pro:

We’ve stressed the importance of mixing vocals time and time again! Because lyrics are what average listeners immediately identify with, making a singer sound great should almost always be a priority. Amongst other tools, the perfect vocal compressor for the job can really elevate the overall sound of your mix!

Video is “Mixing Vocals to Sit Properly in the Mix”.