Toggle Varispeed — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Varispeed 

This would come in very handy for cycling through a section with Varispeed on or off. Audition toggle. There are no menu commands for Varispeed control. Controls are located in the control bar.

Use Varispeed to alter the speed and pitch of audio — Logic Pro X:

Varispeed provides a way to speed up or slow down the entire project, similar to the original varispeed feature of tape machines. The most practical use for this option is checking how a project might sound at a faster or slower tempo, and for practicing or recording a performance at a lower speed.


Show/Hide Transform — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide Transform

Show/Hide — toggle. Open/Close — toggle. Change the visibility of something. Show/Hide is the typical usage. The Open/Close terminology showed up with Track Stacks and the Open/Close Inserts commands. I guess “Show Insert” seemed wrong. Actually seems wrong to me. Just as wrong as “Show Window”.

“Open Transform” is a global command – ⌘9 — but it doesn’t exist in the menus. What we have in the menus is “Open MIDI Transform” — ⌘9.

I added the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘9 to perform the Show/Hide. Makes more sense.

I will think out loud about the odd behavior of some windows (Environment, Event List) as they come up.


The Basics of Convolution in Audio Production

The Basics of Convolution in Audio Production:

Convolution is one of the more sophisticated processes regularly used in audio production. Its ability to accurately impart the characteristic timbres of spaces and objects on other signals is useful in both sound design and standard processing applications. With a wide range of realistic and otherworldly sonic possibilities, convolution can be a fantastic addition to any producer’s toolkit.

What Digital Reverb Actually Does

What Digital Reverb Actually Does:

In this article, we’ll discuss what digital reverb, both algorithmic and convolution, technically does to an audio signal to achieve the effect of reverb. With this information in mind, we’ll also cover some considerations for handling reverb in your own projects.