Get the Most from DAW Automation: 3 Creative Approaches

Get the Most from DAW Automation: 3 Creative Approaches:

In the early 1970s the recording industry changed drastically with the introduction of mixing consoles that could record and play back fader movement. Leading up to this, mixing multitrack tape recordings was a group effort. For larger sessions of 16 or 24 tracks, up to four people could be needed behind the desk just to manage faders.

Digital audio workstations (DAWs) sophisticated the entire automation process, providing creators and engineers with the ability to control nearly every parameter with precision. In this article, I’ll show you three ways to use automation for more expressive, stand-out music.

Automation in the Audio Mastering World: Leveling up Your Ozone 8 Skills with Tasteful Automation

Automation in the Audio Mastering World: Leveling up Your Ozone 8 Skills with Tasteful Automation:

Automation isn’t just for mixing engineers. Neither is automation strictly limited to volume rides. Whether you’re working in the analog or digital world—or relying on a hybrid audio mastering setup—there are a handful of circumstances where time-based adjustments on your mastering chain can help you achieve your desired results. Let’s look into a few practical examples of automation being used in recent mastering sessions.

Beat Making 101: How to Make a Beat

Beat Making 101: How to Make a Beat:

In this article, we’ll discuss how beats are constructed and how to get into beat-making. We’ll break down the essential aspects of a standard beat, listening techniques, exercises to develop your abilities, and various resources to use in the learning process.