Convert Regions to New Sampler Track ⌃E — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Convert Regions to New Sampler Track   ⌃E

This is kind of fun to play with.

Convert audio regions to sampler instruments — Logic Pro X

You can convert audio regions to sampler instruments with the Convert Regions to New Sampler Track function (default key command: Control-E). All selected regions are sequentially mapped—in accordance with their timeline positions—to the specified key range, starting with the lowest note.

Perhaps best described in the Sound on Sound review of the “new” Logic Pro 9 back in 2009…

Apple Logic Pro 9

The snappily named ‘Convert Regions to New Sampler Track’ command makes it possible to trigger audio regions via EXS24 in one of two ways. First, you can create an EXS24 instrument that maps an audio region so that it can be triggered from one MIDI note, making it easy to recreate ’80s-style st-st-stuttering effects. Or — very neatly — you can ask Logic to create a new EXS24 instrument based on the transients detected in the audio region. In this way, rather like ReCycle and similar loop-based tools, Logic will slice up the audio region and assign each slice to be triggered by a different note. You can specify the range of notes that will be used, which is handy if you want to turn a drum loop into a playable kit on your MIDI keyboard, for example.


Recall Screenset 8 8 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Recall Screenset 8    8

Think of Screensets as workspaces. You can display windows, position them, zoom tracks as needed for a part of a workflow and save everything in place.

Keep reiterating. Use screensets. Come to depend on them.

Create, recall, and switch screensets — Logic Pro X

You position windows in a layout that suits the way you work. This layout of various windows, including their display size, zoom levels, position, and other settings, is called a screenset. Once defined, you can save, and freely switch between different screensets, much as you might between different computer displays.


Select Project 2 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Select Project 2

Select one of the open projects. It isn’t clear how Logic decides to number projects, and certainly not clear what they had in mind by allowing us to select 20 different projects.

My experiment was to open project A, open project B, and ‘Select Project 2’. That did nothing. ‘Select Project 1’ did nothing as well. I opened project C. Now ‘Select Project 1’ selects B, and ‘Select Project 2’ selects C. A seems forgotten.

The ‘Next/Previous Project’ commands do not wrap around, so if you are at the end (or beginning) of the internal list the command does nothing.

No idea.


Open Piano Roll… ⌘4 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open Piano Roll…    ⌘4

Opens the Piano Roll editing interface in its separate window. To open the Piano Roll editor at the bottom of the arrange window double click on a MIDI region or click on the Scissor button on the left of the arrange window.