Transpose Region/Event +1 Semitone or Nudge Automation up 1 Step ⌥↑ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Transpose Region/Event +1 Semitone or Nudge Automation up 1 Step    ⌥↑

Raise the pitch of the selected region or event. Works in the Score Editor, Piano Roll, Arrange window. For automation the step is determined by the parameter being automated. Volume is .1 dB. Pan is -63 to +64. Basically the parameter gets 128 values with zero as the center.

Using the nudge keys can help fine-tuning automation curves. Changing pitch is obviously a useful tool.

Change the pitch, duration, and velocity of notes — Logic Pro X

You can change the pitch and duration (length) of selected notes in the Score Editor, as well as their MIDI velocity. The Velocity value signifies how hard the key was struck when the note was recorded. It often corresponds to the volume of the note when played back, but can control other parameters as well.

I can’t seem to locate any specific documentation about using these commands to nudge automation.

Add and adjust automation points — Logic Pro X

To create changes over time to volume, pan, and effects settings, you add automation points to a track’s automation curve at different places, and then adjust the automation points so the value of the setting changes. You can adjust automation points by moving them up or down to a new value or by moving them left or right to a new point in the timeline. Numerical values are displayed alongside each automation point. You can also raise or lower the value of MIDI parameters associated with notes in instrument tracks or Drummer tracks. Note and numerical values are displayed alongside each MIDI data point. You can also add automation points at selection area or region borders.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Main Window Tracks and Various Editors
Transpose Region/Event +1 Semitone or Nudge Automation up 1 Step ⌥↑
Transpose Region/Event -1 Semitone or Nudge Automation down 1 Step ⌥↓
Transpose Region/Event +12 Semitones or Nudge Automation up 10 Steps ⌥⇧↑
Transpose Region/Event -12 Semitones or Nudge Automation down 10 Steps ⌥⇧↓

- Views Showing Automation
Nudge Automation up 1 Step
Nudge Automation down 1 Step
Nudge Automation up 10 Steps
Nudge Automation down 10 Steps

You’ve Re-Organized And Customized Logic’s Plug-In Manager — Here’s How To Back It Up | Logic Pro

You’ve Re-Organized And Customized Logic’s Plug-In Manager — Here’s How To Back It Up | Logic Pro

Saturday 08.24.19
Posted by Eli Krantzberg

But how can you back up this new plug-in folder layout? What happens if you have to reinstall Logic or your hard drive crashes, or you are migrating to a new computer? Fortunately, there is a simple way to back up the results of your re-organization. All the information resides in a database folder within your User folder. Here is the exact location:

User —> Music —> Audio MIDI Apps —> Databases —> Tags

9 Tips for Using Reverb with Drums

9 Tips for Using Reverb with Drums

by Nick Messitte, iZotope Contributor August 20, 2019

Some of the reverbs we’ll be working with today
Your drums sound narrow, dry, and small. You need them to sound bigger, so you send them to a concert-hall reverb. That’ll do the trick, right? Probably not. Now all you have are small, narrow drums surrounded by a lot of incongruous reverb.