New Tracks for Selected Regions — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  New Tracks for Selected Regions

Creates new tracks for the selected regions. The clarification in the documentation is that a new track will be created for each _source_ track, not a new track for each region. All the regions from ‘Track A’ get moved to a new track, ‘Track A New’.

Create tracks using existing channel strips in Logic Pro — Apple Support

In Logic Pro, select the regions, then choose Track > Other > New Track For Selected Regions.

The selected regions are moved from the source track to the new track, which uses the same channel strip as the source track. In other words, only one channel strip is used for all tracks.

If you use this command with regions selected across several tracks, a new track is created for each source track. For example, if you select regions on three source tracks, three new tracks will be created for the regions.

Drum Mixing With Logic Pro X Plug-Ins Only — Two Approaches To The Same Tracks | Logic Pro

‘[Drum Mixing With Logic Pro X Plug-Ins Only — Two Approaches To The Same Tracks | Logic Pro](’

Drum Mixing With Logic Pro X Plug-Ins Only — Two Approaches To The Same Tracks | Logic Pro

Chris Vandeviver and Eli Krantzenberg have been doing a series of collaborative videos. We each tackle the same situation, from two distinct vantage points and approaches. These posts are designed as a vehicle to demonstrate just how flexible Logic Pro X is, and the sometimes dramatically different results that are achieved by two people using the same tools.

Retrigger Selected Cells or Focused Scene ⌃⌘↩ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Retrigger Selected Cells or Focused Scene    ⌃⌘↩

Retriggers the selection. No need to move the mouse and click on it. Lots of new things with Live Loops.

Start and stop Live Loops cells in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Retrigger: If a cell is playing and you click it again, it starts playing from the beginning. Cells set to Retrigger can be stopped only by starting another cell in the same row, by stopping the row using the Divider column, or by stopping the entire grid.

Live Loops Grid key commands in Logic Pro — Apple Support

The following table reflects default key commands included in the U.S. factory preset.