Voice Separation Tool J — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Shows the Voice Separation tool in action
  Voice Separation Tool  J

Switch the selected tool to the Voice Separation Tool. This tool is only available in the Tool Menu in the Piano Roll and Score Editor. The legend in the Tool menu does not show a J, it shows an up-arrow over a down-arrow.

NB the T command shows the Tool menu except when Logic first starts. You have to click on the Tool menu with the pointer before the T command becomes active. This, I think, is a bug.

Assign notes to voices and staffs in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Using the Voice Separation tool, you can draw a separation line between notes on a staff to assign them to the predefined MIDI channels of the voices.

Assign notes to voices and staffs in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Select the Voice Separation tool, then draw a line (between notes) where you want to separate the voices.

Show/Hide Assign 5 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Show/Hide Assign 5

Shows or hides the fifth assignable MIDI control in the mixer. As with many of the numbered things like insert slots, projects, groups there is no good way to know what to expect to see. 

In the case of MIDI assigns, if all of them are visible, the stack of controls shrinks. In the case of two or three showing the assign will appear in numerical order, but the display might not change as expected.

Thankfully we have much larger displays these days and we can afford to simply leave all of the relevant tools visible.

Overview of MIDI channel strips in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Assign 1 to 5: Display up to five knobs that you can freely assign to any MIDI controller number.

View Mode: Selected Regions — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  View Mode: Selected Regions

Set the piano roll to show notes/events from the selected regions as opposed to the focused track. The vertical line showing the MIDI regions is very useful. Who said all MIDI regions had to be the same color?

The control of the view is in the “View” menu of the Piano Roll.

View multiple regions in the Piano Roll Editor in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Notes from all of the selected regions appear in the Piano Roll Editor. The start point of each MIDI region is indicated by a vertical line of the same color as the MIDI region itself.

Trim Note to Remove Overlaps for Adjacent \ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Trim Note to Remove Overlaps for Adjacent  \

Shortens a note to prevent _interference_ with other notes. A simple example would be a note being played for an entire beat plus a bit more. When converting these notes to a score you could get interesting forms of ties and rests. This cleans thing up so the notation (and potentially _voice stealing_ from a MIDI device) will be clear and concise.

Resize notes in the Piano Roll Editor in Logic Pro — Apple Support

There are a number of commands in the Edit > Trim submenu in the Piano Roll Editor menu bar to change the length of selected notes, in relation to notes surrounding or overlapping them. They can be very useful for tidying up the start and end points of notes.

Unpack Folder to Existing Tracks — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Unpack Folder to Existing Tracks

Unpacks (moves) regions in a folder to an existing set of tracks. If you pack some tracks into a folder, and leave the tracks intact, an unpack will restore the regions to the original tracks — see the actual clarification in the documentation.

Read the “Logic Pro folders overview” carefully. I think I don’t pay enough attention to the possibilities that folders allow. A question that comes to mind…can I make an alias of a folder? The answer is yes, you can make an alias of a folder. Just hold down option-shift while dragging the folder region around. Deep. Many possibilities.

Pack and unpack folders in Logic Pro — Apple Support

The regions contained within the folder are placed on tracks assigned to appropriate channel strips.

 Logic Pro folders overview — Apple Support

A folder is a region that can contain other regions, similar to a folder in the Finder that can contain different files. You can edit a folder in many of the same ways you edit a MIDI region.