Add Audio File… ⌃F — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Add Audio File…    ⌃F

Add an audio file to your project. Only active when the Project Browser is visible. A much better path to adding audio files than I usually use. I had been using the Media Browser. The “Finder” interface that we get with “Add Audio File…” is much more familiar and usable.

Add and delete audio files — Logic Pro X

When you add an audio file to your project, Logic Pro automatically creates a region that encompasses the entire file length. You can create as many regions as you like from the same audio file. There are no length limitations to regions, as long as they don’t exceed the length of the source audio file. Creating multiple regions from the same audio file is beneficial for many tasks—using different portions of a vocal take that spans the length of the project, for example.


Overloaded keys…

- Main Window Tracks and Various Editors
Flex/Follow Tempo On/Off ⌃F

- Score Editor
Explode Folders ⌃F

- Project Audio
Add Audio File… ⌃F

- EXS24 Instrument Editor
Load Audio Sample… ⌃F

View Mode: One Track — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  View Mode: One Track

In the Piano Roll editor.

When you have multiple regions selected you can view all of the MIDI notes for all of the regions at the same time. To look at one track choose this view mode. ‘Selected Regions’ will show all the values.

It is particularly handy to choose ‘Collapse Mode’ to show only the MIDI notes that are actually in use. The ‘Collapse Mode’ button is directly to the right of the ‘View’ drop-down menu at the top of the editor.


Production Expert | How To Move Sessions And Projects From One DAW Like Pro Tools To Another Like Studio One Or Logic Pro

Production Expert | How To Move Sessions And Projects From One DAW Like Pro Tools To Another Like Studio One Or Logic Pro

With more and more people using different DAWs, the need to be able to transfer a project from one DAW to another has grown. In this article we are going to show you how to move projects from one DAW, like Pro Tools, Studio and Logic Pro, to another DAW. In this article we will also cover the pitfalls in the export and import processes and how to overcome them.

Moving projects about. Very important to know how to do this.

Toggle Channel Strip Solo S — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Channel Strip Solo  S

Toggle the solo state of the selected channel strip. Where to Solo can be confusing. Soloing a channel strip allows all tracks that are assigned to the channel strip to play. Soloing a track affects the selected track(s).

Mute and solo channel strips — Logic Pro X

You can also listen to a channel strip signal alone (solo), silencing all other channel strips. Soloing channel strips is useful when you want to work on a track or region individually; for example, when you’re editing regions on the track, re-recording a part, or adjusting volume curves.

Solo tracks — Logic Pro X

You can solo a track, silencing all tracks that are not also soloed. Soloing tracks is useful when you want to work on a track individually, or work on a few tracks, without hearing the other tracks in the project.

Mute and solo regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can solo multiple regions by clicking them, then click-holding one of the selected regions with the Solo tool. Playback starts from the position of the pointer until you release the mouse button.