Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Tick — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Tick

This is a powerful tool when editing. The X-Touch has a nudge mode, so left/right movement of regions can be done from the controller as well. I am pleased when I find commands that are useful and that are implemented on my control surface. Makes me smile. Things I will use.

Move regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X:

Nudge regions by a set value
Use one of the following key commands:

Mackie Control Nudge button overview — Control Surfaces Help:

The NUDGE button allows you to move (nudge) selected audio or MIDI regions (or events) in Small, Large, or Temporary Nudge mode.

Large Nudge mode — Control Surfaces Help:

Hold down the SHIFT button, then press the NUDGE button to show eight functions on the LCD that are mapped to the corresponding V-Pot buttons. These functions allow you to move the selected region or events by various amounts or to a specific position. Press the NUDGE button a second time to turn off Large Nudge mode.


GarageBand for iOS (iPad): Jam with other GarageBand users

GarageBand for iOS (iPad): Jam with other GarageBand users:

You can make music with other GarageBand users sharing a Wi-Fi connection. The bandleader creates a jam session, then up to three band members can join the jam session. Playback and recording are synchronized between all devices, so everyone can play and record together as a band. The leader can keep exclusive control of playback and recording, or allow all members to share control.

Aux vs. Inserts: to Send or Not to Send?

Aux vs. Inserts: to Send or Not to Send?:

Will the track receive further processing? Use an insert
Reverb, delay, compression, modulation, distortion—these are some effects that often wind up on auxiliary channels. You send some of your track to a reverb aux, and dial in as much as needed. But if the effect is meant to be used in a series and will receive further processing on the track level, it’s wiser to use the effect as insert even in parallel operation (as in, a chorus with a wet/dry control).

Worth considering. Logic Pro X instruments use both inserts and sends to achieve the fine results. There’s a reason for that.