Select Members of Group 30 — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Select Members of Group 30

Selects all of the channels that are members of group 30. Once you get to 30 groups you may have some other workflow issues. I tend to keep the Group Inspector open in a separate window when I have more than 7 groups assigned. I try to name them so they make some sense.

Overview of groups in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can have a maximum of 64 groups. A channel strip can also be a member of multiple groups.

Recall Zoom 1 ⌃⌥⌘1 — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Recall Zoom 1 ⌃⌥⌘1

Recalls Zoom setting 1. More practice is needed. Zoom and screensets are the collaborators of focus.

Zoom windows in Logic Pro — Apple Support

When you zoom in or out, the top-left (and selected) event or region remains in the visible area of the screen. If no selected region or event is visible, zooming is centered around the playhead. If the playhead isn’t visible, the current center of the window is retained.

Apply Buffer Template to Definition, number increment — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Apply Buffer Template to Definition, number increment

Building controllers for MIDI gear isn’t something that is done very often. I liken the MIDI Environment to assembly language programming. You get what you want, but you have to be explicit about every little step.

Object groups in the Logic Pro Environment — Apple Support

The Options > Apply Buffer Template to > “Definition, number increment” increases the first data byte of the definition (controller number, for example).

Object groups in the Logic Pro Environment — Apple Support

When building a virtual mixing desk or synthesizer layout in the Environment, you often need to work with large groups of fader objects that have the same size, regular spacing, or a similar definition.

To save time on the definition and alignment of these groups, you can choose (one or more) objects as prototypes (templates) by copying them into the Clipboard. (Choose Edit > Copy.) You can then apply certain characteristics of these template objects to selected objects.

Select Members of Group 11 — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Select Members of Group 11

Selects all channels (and corresponding tracks) that are members of Group 11. Always helpful to have the Groups inspector open and visible so you can tell what Group 11 is — not Group W 😉

Groups inspector in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You use the Groups inspector to define the behavior of each Mixer group. The Groups inspector appears in the Track inspector when one or more groups have been created, and it can be opened as a floating window as well. It contains the following settings: