Logic Pro X: Change the waveform display

Logic Pro X: Change the waveform display:

You can switch the waveform from its usual view to one that shows the structure of the recorded digital data. This view is useful when you are eliminating clicks and pops from your recordings, for example.

I’m not sure we should show people the “misguided” view of digital samples over time, but it is kind of interesting to look at it.

Delete File(s) ⌘⌫ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Delete File(s)    ⌘⌫

In the Project Audio window. Deletes the audio from the project, and possibly from the system. The warning

You can’t undo this operation! Be aware that other projects may also use these files.

is real. Be sure you know where the audio file is before you delete it.

I copy all audio files into my projects in order to preserve the originals. If I create a project from scratch I always save a copy of the project (with audio) and place it in the “vault”.

Don’t simply discard your audio files. Know why you are getting rid of it, and understand how you can possibly work on a project in the future if the audio file is removed.


Open Tempo Operations… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open Tempo Operations…

Finely tuned control over tempo curves. This appears to be a much more controlled way to “draw” tempo changes, and certainly makes sense if you don’t want abrupt tempo changes.

Tempo Operations overview — Logic Pro X:

You use Tempo Operations to create tempo changes, and edit existing tempo changes. The window automatically displays the area you’ve selected for editing. Changes are displayed graphically in real time, as the tempo curve is processed, so you can see the results of your edits.


Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle ⌃⌥, — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle    ⌃⌥,

Today it’s like we have a theme. Yesterday we reviewed “Go to Previous Marker”. I had a lot to say about using markers for making notes, keeping track of places where work needs to be done, etc.

I need to get better at describing/defining “arrangement” — things like Intro, Chorus, Verse, Bridge — and create the Arrangement track as well. The Arrangement probably won’t change much during mixing. Markers will probably change or be added to after every mix review.

The previous marker is determined by the position of the locators. If the locators are at the beginning then selecting the “previous” marker actually selects the first marker.

All of these navigation tools reinforce my efforts to “map out” what it is I am actually working with. A lot like Dr. Billie Rae Erling’s “look at the piece of music from 50,000 feet and figure out where it is going”.