Logic Pro X: Resize regions in the Tracks area

Logic Pro X: Resize regions in the Tracks area

You can shorten both audio and MIDI regions so that only part of the region plays. You can lengthen MIDI regions to add silence to the beginning or end of the region. In addition, you can resize the common edge of two adjacent regions to control the transition between them and remove overlaps.

My latest exercise had me using ‘Edit>Trim>Fill within Locators’ followed by ‘Join Regions’ followed by ‘Set Region Start to Playhead position’. Locators were at the beginning and ending of the project.

Follow that with ‘Bounce and Replace Tracks’. I need to remember to create a new alternative before I do the replace…

Alternative 1 — mix as printed for release

Alternative 2 — make all audio tracks single region for processing

Alternative 3 — bounce and replace tracks

Interesting note — Folder stacks get bounced as well, effectively giving me a VCA stem…it also bounces the mix bus if it is a track!

Show/Hide Assign 3 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide Assign 3

There are 5 assignable controls on a MIDI channel strip. Can be quite useful — automatable.

MIDI channel strips overview — Logic Pro X

MIDI channel strips in the Mixer work as remote controls for the mixing parameters of your MIDI-controlled sound modules and synthesizers, such as volume and pan.


Forward by Division Value — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Forward by Division Value

Move the selected events forward in time (and position in the score.)

Move and copy items in the Score Editor — Logic Pro X

To move the selected events forward or backward one division step (as set in the LCD): Use Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Division and Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Division.

It was not immediately clear what was meant by “division”. The best definition I could find is

Snap items to the grid — Logic Pro X

Division: Edit operations snap to the nearest division value. (This is the time signature shown in the LCD and the ruler.)


Apply Transform User Preset 15 to selected Events — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Apply Transform User Preset  15 to selected Events

The MIDI Transform window can be opened from the Window menu, or by entering ‘⌘9’. There are 30 ‘Apply Transform User Preset … to selected Events’.

Use transform sets — Logic Pro X:

1. Choose Create New Transform Set from the Presets pop-up menu.

2. Set conditions and operations.

3. Select the “Hide unused parameters” checkbox. This helps to avoid changes to conditions and operations that aren’t required for (or may disturb) your transform set.

4. Choose New Parameter Set (Number) from the Presets pop-up menu. Enter a new name for your transform set.

This transform set now appears at the bottom of the Presets list in all MIDI Transform windows for this project. You should consider saving your user transform sets in one or more template projects. This way, they are always available to you in all future projects.

Tip: Renaming an existing transform set creates a new transform set that is identical to the original. The existing (source) transform set is retained.


Delete Unselected within Selection — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Delete Unselected within Selection

Would you say this is a mouthful of words? The text in the documentation helps a bit by rephrasing the command a bit

Unselected Within Selection: Erases all unselected MIDI events within a selection, such as between locators.

My confusion comes from the wrongful expectation that the “highlighted area” like a Marquee selection, or an entire region (with highlight) constitutes a ‘selection’. Clearly the use of the example of ‘between locators’ means that a selection has been made, if not necessarily highlighted.

Deleting the ‘selected within selection’ is a simple matter of the DELETE key or other gestures.

Mute and delete regions and events — Logic Pro X

The Mute and Delete functions go hand in hand, because you often want to remove events you have muted.