Sample Loop -> Selection — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Sample Loop -> Selection

I suspect that these commands will useful to people who used to use the ‘Apple Loop Utility’ which is no longer available. One of the more specialized tools/functions that Logic Pro X has available.

Create Loops in the Audio File Editor in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Sample Loop → Selection: The loop area (defined by the loop start and end points) is used to select a portion of the overall audio file.

Create Loops in the Audio File Editor in Logic Pro — Apple Support

The Audio File Editor Loop commands, available from the Edit menu, are ideal for use with Sampler.

You can also use these functions to generate audio files that contain the loop settings in the file header. This allows you to make full use of these files in any app that can read the loop information in the file header.

Show Beat Mapping Track — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Show Beat Mapping Track

Shows the Beat Mapping Track. Has no affect on other global tracks like Marker.

The Show/Hide _Only_ variant of the command toggles the display of the track and causes other global tracks to be hidden.

The Show/Hide variant of the command only changes the visible state of the Beat Mapping Track. All other global tracks are left undisturbed.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Views Showing Time Ruler
Show/Hide Beat Mapping Track ⇧⌘B
Show/Hide Beat Mapping Track Only ⌃⌥⇧⌘↘

- Main Window Tracks
Show Beat Mapping Track ⌃⌥⇧⌘⌦

Select Previous Region/Cell on Focused Track ← — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Select Previous Region/Cell on Focused Track    ←

Selects the previous region. The selection is _circular_. If the first region on the track is selected the command will wraparound and select the last region on the track. OK by me.

The specific command is not documented any more than its entry in the list of Global Commands.

Select regions in the Logic Pro Tracks area — Apple Support

To perform some edits on regions, you must first select the regions. You can select one or multiple regions, select regions on different tracks, and quickly select muted regions, overlapped regions, or regions meeting other criteria. Selected regions appear brighter in the Tracks area than unselected regions.

Velocity 80 (mf) M — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Velocity 80 (mf)   M

Set the velocity of notes entered to 80. When entering notes via Step Input the velocity value is determined by the most recent select of a velocity. Quite useful.

Use step input recording in Logic Pro — Apple Support

To set the velocity of the inserted note: Click the Velocity buttons.
There are eight velocity values—represented by the traditional volume indicators ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, and fff. These correspond to MIDI velocity values 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, and 127, respectively.

New Track with Duplicate Settings and Content — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  New Track with Duplicate Settings and Content

The typical duplicate track command keeps everything the same (including channel!) but doesn’t reproduce the content. This variant of the command duplicates the content as well.

A bit simpler than creating the track, then selecting and copying (copy/paste or option-drag) the content to the new track.

Duplicate tracks in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can duplicate a track, creating a new track below the original track with the same instrument and effects settings. The duplicate track is empty, and does not contain any regions.