Show/Hide VCA — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Show/Hide VCA

Shows or hides the VCA section on the channel strips. When a channel is assigned to a VCA it will appear in the VCA _slot_ (I don’t have a better term for it).

The VCA _slot_ is a pop-up control that will let you assign a channel to a VCA, create a new VCA, or remove the VCA assignment.

I would normally use a Folder Stack to create a VCA for several **tracks**, but that limits the ability to place those tracks into Summing Stacks.

I would use a VCA to control volume (after processing) and muting. Given the particular problems of stacks it would probably be easier to put the channels in a group and limit what actions the group does.

It really depends on what will be done with the channels.

Use VCA groups in the Logic Pro Mixer — Apple Support

Hardware mixing desks sometimes contain separate channels designed specifically to enable the engineer to submix—in other words, to route and control the signal flow of multiple channels at once using a single channel strip. Analog mixing desks often utilize Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCAs) in their circuitry for these submix channels, hence the name “VCA groups” for this kind of channel strip. You can use VCA channel strips to control the volume, or automate a submix, of tracks that are assigned to the VCA group.

Region Automation: Balance — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Region Automation: Balance

Set the automation lane to Balance. Shows the automation lanes if they aren’t already displayed, switches from track to region-based automation, and selects ‘Balance’ as the automation parameter.

Show automation curves in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Before you can add automation points to a track’s automation curves, you need to show the automation curves. Automation curves are displayed as colored curves and points on top of audio and MIDI regions across the track, running the length of the project. You can choose whether to view and edit automation across the track (track-based automation) or only within the track’s regions (region-based automation).

Control Change Messages (Data Bytes)

8 00001000 08 Balance 0-127 MSB

MIDI Specification:


Number: 8 (coarse) 40 (fine)


The device’s stereo balance (assuming that the device has stereo audio outputs). If a
MultiTimbral device, then each Part usually has its own Balance. This is generally
when Balance becomes useful, because then you can use Pan, Volume, and Balance
controllers to internally mix all of the Parts to the device’s stereo outputs. Typically,
Balance would be used on a Part that had stereo elements (where you wish to adjust the
volume of the stereo elements without changing their pan positions), whereas
Pan is

more appropriate for a Part that is strictly a “mono instrument”.

Value Range:

14-bit coarse/fine resolution. 16,384 possible setting, 0x0000 to 0x3FFF where 0x2000
is center balance, 0x0000 emphasizes the left elements mostly, and 0x3FFF emphasizes
the right elements mostly. Some devices only respond to coarse adjust (128 settings)
where 64 is center, 0 is leftmost emphsis, and 127 is rightmost emphasis.

Note: Most all devices ignore the Fine adjust (#40) for Balance, and just implement
Coarse adjust (#8) because 14-bit resolution isn’t needed for this.

Open Recording Project Settings… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Open Recording Project Settings…

Open the project-specific recoding settings preference panel. Some recording settings are global and in force for all projects. These are _Recording Preferences_ as opposed to _Project Settings_

Recording settings in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Recording settings are only available when Show Advanced Tools is selected in Advanced preferences.

Recording preferences in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can use Recording settings to determine how Logic Pro responds while in record mode.

Logic Pro X Recording Preferences