Open/Close MIDI Insert 1 Plug-in Window of focused Track — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Open/Close MIDI Insert 1 Plug-in Window of focused Track

Opens the plug-in window for the first MIDI insert plug-in. I need to explore MIDI inserts and the X-Touch. I don’t think the controller deals with MIDI inserts at all. First look indicates that it does not.

Work in the plug-in window in Logic Pro — Apple Support

The header area at the top of a plug-in window is common to all plug-ins. You can use it to adjust the size of the window, link plug-in windows when more than one is open, switch the plug-in parameter view, and route side chain source signals.

Set Nudge Value to 1/2 Note — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Set Nudge Value to 1/2 Note

Sets the nudge value to 1/2 note. Useful in editing and arranging MIDI. Pretty large value for nudging audio around.

Move regions in the Logic Pro Tracks area — Apple Support

You can nudge regions (move them in small increments) left or right using key commands. To nudge regions, you first set the nudge value, then move selected regions by this value. Alternatively, you can nudge regions by a set value.

The possible selections for the Nudge Value

Slice at Transient Markers — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Slice at Transient Markers

I have never edited a drum track or any other instrument to get things “on the beat”. It always looks so hard, or at least tedious, in other DAWs. This looks like it should be the simplest thing to do…

Flex Time algorithms and parameters in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Slicing cuts the audio material at transient markers, then shifts the audio while playing each slice at its original speed. No time compression or expansion is applied to the shifted audio. Any gaps that occur as a result of shifting the audio can be filled using the decay function. Slicing is a good choice for drums and percussion and comes with the following parameters:

Toggle Metronome Click — Smart Tempo Editor M — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Toggle Metronome Click - Smart Tempo Editor    M

Turn the metronome click on or off. No need to click that button with the pointer/cursor sitting over it.

Clicking with a mouse is probably not sensible to lots of people. Trackpad is far more likely to be used by beginners. Need to use terms like position the cursor/pointer instead of move the mouse.

Work in the Logic Pro Smart Tempo Editor — Apple Support

Metronome button: Turn the metronome on or off.

Randomize Current Edit Mode Values for All Rows ⇧⌘R — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Randomize Current Edit Mode Values for All Rows    ⇧⌘R

The Step Sequencer is, essentially, a new application for Logic Pro X. Lots to learn. Back to the 1990s for my sequencing days…

Edit Step Sequencer steps in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can edit individual steps in several ways, including cutting, copying, and pasting steps. You can also repeat a step, decrement or increment the values of all steps in a row, transpose all steps in a pattern by semitones or octaves, randomize values for all steps in a row or all steps in the pattern, and reset steps to default values.

Edit Step Sequencer rows in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can edit Step Sequencer rows in a variety of ways, including copying and pasting rows or row settings, duplicating a row with the next row assignment, changing the row assignment, resetting row values to a default setting, and deleting a row.

Modify Step Sequencer pattern playback in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Some options in Step Sequencer control how and when steps play back, and can be fun to manipulate while the pattern is playing. For example, you can mute and solo rows, rotate rows (moving all steps in a row left or right, including their step values and other edit mode settings), and change the playback mode for the pattern or for a row, and perform other actions while the pattern is playing. In addition to controls and menu items, Step Sequencer includes a collection of key commands to facilitate making these and other changes in real time, see Step Sequencer key commands.