Create Flex Marker At Playhead Position — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Create Flex Marker At Playhead Position

Adds a new flex marker at the current playhead position. This is one of the editing commands I would never have dreamed of being possible. As I read about Flex Time and positioning things I can only think about all of the videos I have seen yammering about how great ProTools is at editing parts to put them in the pocket, or make them fit better.

Flex Time editing in Logic Pro X seems like a much easier way to accomplish the goal of _improving_ the performance of one of the players.

Snapping markers to transients in _other_ regions seems especially cool.

Time stretch using flex markers in Logic Pro — Apple Support

In the Tracks area, you edit the timing of audio material using flex markers. After adding flex markers to an audio region, you use them to time stretch—compress or expand—the audio material. The boundaries within which this is done are determined by the preceding and following flex markers, or the region start and end positions if there are no preceding and following flex markers.
You can also use transients in other audio regions as reference poi

Send All Current Fader Values — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Send All Current Fader Values

Send everything that we have. Essentially sets everything to the currently displayed settings.

Probably very useful when trying to program the environment and wanting to have a known state of things.

Special functions in the Logic Pro Environment — Apple Support

Sending fader values: Choose Options > Send All Fader Values (or use the Send All Current Fader Values key command) to make all fader objects send their current values. Choose Options > Send Selected Fader Values to make all selected fader objects send their current values.

Select Project 16 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Select Project 16

Makes Project 16 the current project. What is project 16? Who knows? Is there an order to projects? Who knows? All mentions of having multiple projects open at the same time complain about inconsistent behavior and corruption happening to projects.

Just don’t do it.

Scouring the Logic 7, 8, 9, and X manuals provides no useful information about working with multiple projects simultaneously.

Open Logic Pro projects — Apple Support

In Logic Pro, choose the project name at the bottom of the Window menu. The active project is marked with a checkmark.

Attach Symbol: Staccatissimo — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Attach Symbol: Staccatissimo

I don’t seem to be able to find the symbol in the Part Box in the Score Editor. The command adds the little wedge in the proper location for the selected note.

You can adjust the playback settings by adjusting velocity and length (percentage) in the ‘MIDI Meaning’ project preferences — ‘Settings: MIDI Meaning ⌃⌥⇧M’.

OnMusic Dictionary — Term

A style of playing notes in a detached, separated, distinct manner that shortens the notated duration of the note in a more exaggerated way than normal staccato. Staccatissimo is indicated by solid wedge directly above or below the notehead.

OnMusic Dictionary — topic

exaggerated short duration of the note