Attach Symbol: Fermata Down — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Attach Symbol: Fermata Down

Adds a fermata above the currently selected note in a score.

Logic Pro part box overview — Apple Support

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can add notes and other symbols from the Part box in the inspector. The Part box contains a complete collection of score symbols, arranged in groups. You can control which symbols are displayed in the Part box, reorder symbol groups, and open the Part box as a separate, floating window.

Copy Section Between Locators (Selection) — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Copy Section Between Locators (Selection)

Copying a section is clear. The difference between “Selection” and “Global” — the two options for this action — isn’t clear to me yet.

Copying the selection between locators means the selected track or region. Copying global copies everything on all tracks. Subsequent paste commands can be used to see the difference.

Add or remove gaps in a Logic Pro arrangement — Apple Support

Choose Edit > Cut/Insert Time > Copy Section Between Locators (or use the Copy Section Between Locators (Global) key command).

Toggle Hide Group 37 — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Toggle Hide Group 37

Show or hide the channels in group 37. There is no group 37. The maximum group number (currently) is 32.

Edit group membership in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can add a channel strip to, or remove a channel strip from, single or multiple groups. You can also temporarily disable all group parameter links—applying a Group Clutch—to change the volume of an individual channel strip, for example.

Hiding groups hides channels in the mixer, and associated tracks in the Main Window.

Revert to Saved Screenset — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Revert to Saved Screenset

Returns the screen to the original state of a saved (locked) screenset. This is an easy way to change a screenset back to the save (locked) state.

If you don’t have the command assigned to a key press you revert a screenset by selecting the screenset (keys 1-9 and more) or by selecting the screenset from the menubar.

Revert to saved screensets in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Your screen is reset to its original state.