Settings: Guitar Tablature ⌃⌥⇧G — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

Settings: Guitar Tablature ⌃⌥⇧G

This one is kind of hard to find. The “Settings:” is attached to a number of entries which look like they belong in the Score Editor. The key commands window indicates that the commands are available in a local menu (never telling us which).

The commands are found in the “Layout” menu in the Score Editor. Choosing the entry opens the “Project Settings” window with the appropriate “tab” selected.

Tablature settings — Logic Pro X:

Tablature is a method of notating music for fretted string instruments—especially for guitar and electric bass—but also for other fretted instruments. In this system, the horizontal lines represent the strings of the instrument. Notes are always written on the line/string at which they are played. The fret numbers are shown instead of regular note heads. Logic Pro automatically converts notes into tablature, if a staff style containing a Clef parameter set to one of these tuning sets is used. The exact characteristics of these tuning sets are determined in the Tablature pane.


Play/Stop All ⌃⌥⌘˽ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Play/Stop All    ⌃⌥⌘˽

Hmmm. I use the space bar to play/stop all the time. What is the “All” that happens here?

Play audio files in the Audio File Editor — Logic Pro X:

You can use the following key commands to enhance your playback options:

Play/Stop All: Plays back the whole audio file, regardless of the selected area.

Play/Stop Region: Toggles between playback of the region start and end points—regardless of the selected area.

Play/Stop Region to Anchor and Play/Stop Region from Anchor: Allow you to check the region anchor position by listening to the parts just before and after the anchor.

This is very timely. I need to fix some bass parts (DI and amp) as well as kick drum (in and out mics). The audio editor will certainly make this more enlightening at least. I will see if aligning the tracks is any easier with a pair of audio editor windows open…


Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 10 ms — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 10 ms

I usually set the nudge value using the toolbar, then do left/right nudging. Almost always I am trying to align multiple mixes of a song I am mixing to get things set up for level matching and comparison.

  • Set the nudge value to 10ms — ⌃⌥0
  • Set the nudge value to 1ms — ⌃⌥1
  • Set the nudge value to Sample — ⌃⌥S
  • Nudge left — ⌥←
  • Nudge right — ⌥→

Those handy control and option keys.

Move regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X:

You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa. You can also move regions between open Tracks area windows, or between different open projects.

Side note — nudging regions from X-Touch? The answer is yes.

Mackie Control Nudge button overview — Control Surfaces Help:

The NUDGE button allows you to move (nudge) selected audio or MIDI regions (or events) in Small, Large, or Temporary Nudge mode.


Go to Last Locate Position — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Go to Last Locate Position

Moving around a project efficiently is they key to mastering Logic Pro X. Positioning the playhead, getting the right workspace (screenset), focusing attention where you want it and when you want it.

Use transport key commands — Logic Pro X:

Go to Last Locate Position: Moves the playhead to the last position reached with a positioning command, or direct positioning of the playhead using the mouse or ruler.

Use transport shortcut menus — Logic Pro X:

Jump Between Marquee and Project Start: Moves the playhead back and forth between the marquee start position and the project start position, when Logic Pro is stopped. Applies only if there is an active marquee selection.


Create, recall, and switch screensets — Logic Pro X:

You can also switch a screenset automatically during playback using meta events.

It’s a breakpoint!

Meta events — Logic Pro X:

Num = 52: This meta event stops playback.