Stems: down ⌃⌥↓ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Stems: down    ⌃⌥↓

In the Score Editor. Change the direction of note stems to “down””. Personally I find “Stems: none” to be kind of fun and interesting…I also like the options for note heads.

Change stem direction, length, and beaming — Logic Pro X:

By default, a note’s stem direction and length depend on the settings in the Staff Style window. You can change these attributes to improve readability; for example, to group notes meant to be played as a voice in a polyphonic passage.


Toggle Vertical Auto Zoom — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Vertical Auto Zoom

I am very bad at using the zoom controls in Logic. I always find my view at the wrong zoom level. I have different screensets that I use to try and keep my zoom controlled. All to no avail.

What I think I want is for Logic to understand what I want to do. What I probably do is use the marquee tool to select my area of interest and then zoom the track(s) to an appropriate level.

This command controls the auto zoom button at the top of the arrange window — the one with the vertical arrows. My default screenset has both horizontal and vertical auto zoom buttons engaged. I should try working differently.

I just changed my secondary tool (hold down command) to the zoom tool. Dragging across an area of a track with the zoom tool while option is held down does pretty much what I want it to.

Since I have the marquee tool enabled in the lower half of a track I don’t really need it in the secondary tool slot.

Lots of practice required.

  1. Use marquee tool to select area
  2. Set locators by marquee — ⌘U
  3. Zoom to fit locators and store Navigation Snapshot — ⌃⇧Z

Now to discover what “Navigation Snapshot” is all about.

Navigation back/forward — ⌥Z / ⌥⇧Z

Toggles between the zoomed section that I get with the 3 steps from above. This works.

“Individual Track Zoom Reset for All Tracks” — ⌃⌥⇧⌘⌫

Zoom windows — Logic Pro X:

When you zoom in or out, the top-left (and selected) event or region remains in the visible area of the screen. If no selected region or event is visible, zooming is centered around the playhead. If the playhead isn’t visible, the current center of the window is retained.

You can store three different zoom settings for each window using the Save as Zoom 1–3 key commands. Use the Recall Zoom 1–3 key commands to recall your zoomed settings. These commands only apply to the active window or window area.


Open Mixer… ⌘2 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open Mixer…    ⌘2

Some commands go without saying. For today’s homework I should find out the equivalent function on the X-Touch.

Normally I have screenset 3 with the mixer wide open, the floating transport, and region/event windows open.

Toggling the mixer window from the X-Touch is “SHIFT” “F2”. The Logic open window commands correspond to “SHIFT” “Fn”.

In the Arrange window the mixer section is toggled with the “X” key.

NB the selection of Single/Tracks/All for the mixer is tracked independently in the Arrange window and the Mixer window. I can have the Arrange mixer in “Single” mode and the mixer window in “Tracks” mode. This can be useful.

You can have as many Mixer windows open as you want. My new screenset 3 has 3 mixer windows and a transport bar. The windows are set to ‘Single’, ‘Tracks’, and ‘All’ respectively. The X-Touch shifts as I select the different windows. Handy.


Part Box: 1/16 Note — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Part Box: 1/16 Note

In the Score Editor. This command selects the 1/16 note in the “Part Box”. With the combination of the pencil tool and keys mapped to change note value I can enter notes on a staff far faster than other tools. Probably even faster than writing by hand.

Score Editor overview — Logic Pro X:

The Score Editor can display a single MIDI region or software instrument track. In the Score Editor, each track appears as a separate staff. Notes, rests, and other musical events in the MIDI regions on the track are displayed in standard musical notation.