Nudge Region/Event Length Left by SMPTE Frame — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Length Left by SMPTE Frame

I was looking for this command (in milliseconds) the other day and couldn’t find it. Sometimes we need to have the length adjusted just a tiny bit. It would be very nice if there was a way to lengthen/shorten a region from the beginning as opposed to the end.

Resize regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can shorten both audio and MIDI regions so that only part of the region plays. You can lengthen MIDI regions to add silence to the beginning or end of the region. In addition, you can resize the common edge of two adjacent regions to control the transition between them and remove overlaps.


- Main Window Tracks and Various Editors
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge Value ⌥→
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value ⌥←
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Tick
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Tick
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Division
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Division
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Beat
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Beat
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Bar
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Bar
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by SMPTE Bit
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by SMPTE Bit
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 1/2 SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 1/2 SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 5 SMPTE Frames
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 5 SMPTE Frames
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Sample
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Sample
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 1 ms
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 1 ms
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 10 ms
Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 10 ms
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Nudge Value ⌥⇧→
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Nudge Value ⌥⇧←
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Tick
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Tick
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Division
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Division
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Beat
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Beat
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Bar
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Bar
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by SMPTE Bit
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by SMPTE Bit
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by 1/2 SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 1/2 SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by 5 SMPTE Frames
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 5 SMPTE Frames
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Sample
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Sample
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by 1 ms
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 1 ms
Nudge Region/Event Length Right by 10 ms
Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 10 ms

Create Group for Selected Channel Strips — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Create Group for Selected Channel Strips

This goes right in there with yesterday’s ‘Create Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips’. Places all of the selected channel strips in a group.

Groups inspector — Logic Pro X

You use the Groups inspector to define the behavior of each Mixer group. The Groups inspector appears in the Track inspector when one or more groups have been created, and it can be opened as a floating window as well. It contains the following settings:

Remember the group “clutch” ⇧G


Create Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Create Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips

Good thing to know. I may change my workflow and use this command.

When I create a project to mix a recording I gather tracks and assign them to AUX channels. Once I have all of the tracks properly assigned I move the tracks together (so I can see) and create a summing stack. The summing stack uses an AUX, the one that the tracks are assigned to.

I can do this from the mixer window, which might be more convenient, especially if I want to put the tracks into a Group as well.

This command only seems to work from the Mixer window. It appears dimmed when working with the Mixer view in the Arrange window.


Toggle Automation Quick Access ⌃⌥⌘A — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Automation Quick Access    ⌃⌥⌘A

This is handy. When Automation Quick Access is “on” I can use the selected controller (buttons on my nanoKEY) to adjust selected automation. Nice to know.

Write track automation with external controllers — Logic Pro X

The Automation Quick Access (AQA) feature makes track automation extremely fast and simple if you only have one hardware MIDI controller available—one fader on your MIDI keyboard, or just the modulation wheel, for example. You can use this single hardware controller to automate the currently active automation parameter of the selected track in the main window.


Set Right Locator numerically… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Right Locator numerically…

The locators are your friend. How can I set thee? Let me count the ways…

I use buttons on the control bar to set locators, and have been trying to train myself to use the ‘Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle — ⌘U’, but sometimes setting the position numerically might make sense.

NB the ‘Set Locator numerically’ command opens a modal dialog — nothing else can be accomplished until the dialog is dismissed.


- Global Commands
Set Left Locator numerically…
Set Right Locator numerically…
Set Left Locator by Playhead
Set Left Locator by Rounded Playhead
Set Punch In Locator by Playhead ⌃⌥⌘I
Set Punch In Locator by Rounded Playhead
Set Right Locator by Playhead
Set Right Locator by Rounded Playhead
Set Punch Out Locator by Playhead ⌃⌥⌘O
Set Punch Out Locator Point by Rounded Playhead
Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee
Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle ⌘U
Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Events
Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Events and Enable Cycle U
Set Locators and Play
Set Rounded Locators and Play
Set Rounded Locators and Cycle Play
Set Rounded Locators and Record
Set Rounded Locators and Cycle Record
Set Punch Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee ⌘F1
Set Rounded Punch Locators by Regions/Events
Set Punch Locators by Cycle Locators
Toggle Auto Set Locators
Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle ⌃⌥C
Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle ⌃⌥,
Set Locators by Next Marker and Enable Cycle ⌃⌥.
Go to Previous Marker And Set Locators ⌥,
Go to Next Marker And Set Locators ⌥.