Export Tracks as Audio Files… ⌘E — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Export Tracks as Audio Files…  ⌘E

This is how we might try to produce stems. The real questions arise when considering AUX tracks for sends. Do the tracks get exported? Yes, the AUX tracks get exported.

If the project is complete I think it is prudent to create a new alternative and Bounce and Replace All Tracks which will leave the “printed” audio on every track with all of the plugins and effects removed. Note that if you are using a Summing Stack (it’s a track in the Arrange area) you will get a print of that AUX along with a print of all of the tracks contained in the stack. Ideal for stemming and preserving.

Export tracks as audio files — Logic Pro X

You can export one or more selected tracks as audio files, or export all tracks (all audio, software instrument, and Drummer tracks) in a project as audio files—one file per track. When you export tracks as audio files, you can specify the naming of the audio files using filename elements.


Spot Erase ⌃⌥⌫ ⇧8⃣ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Spot Erase ⌃⌥⌫ ⇧8⃣

The documentation indicates software instruments (MIDI). I have been able to hear Spot Erase happening, and I assumed that if I was recording a software instrument (a second take) that the Spot Erase would delete events…I haven’t been able to make that happen, if it should.

Drum machines and pattern editing seem to be mentioned in online information.

Spot erase software instrument recordings — Logic Pro X

You can use spot erase to remove any unwanted notes from a recorded performance.

“Playing” notes to be erased seems quite unnatural to me. I think I would rather work in the Piano Roll or the Event List to change or delete notes.

Previously I had written that I couldn’t make Spot Erase work. I have now been successful using it. It is unnatural.

Spot erase software instrument recordings — Logic Pro X

You can use spot erase to remove any unwanted notes from a recorded performance.


Event Channel = 2 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Event Channel =   2

Set the MIDI channel of the select(ed) event(s) to 2. Somehow I don’t think I would map a key command to set a specific channel, but I might map the ‘Event Channel +1’ and ‘Event Channel -1’ commands.

Event List overview — Logic Pro X:

The Event List is the most powerful, flexible, and complete MIDI editor in Logic Pro. All MIDI event types are listed alphanumerically in the Event List.

You can:

View all aspects of events—start and end points, length, channel, and values

View all events in a region

Filter the list to restrict this view to one or more event types, such as notes, pitch bend events, or both

Customized Event List views are saved to screensets and are displayed when screensets are recalled. This makes the selection and editing of events faster and simpler.

All functions and options are shown at the top of the Event List area. The events themselves are shown in the list below.


Explode Folders ⌃F — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Explode Folders ⌃F

Used in the Score Editor to show/hide contents of folders in the display. Folders are a workflow thing, and I’m just not seeing the benefits in smaller projects.

Show or hide folder contents — Logic Pro X

If the current display level allows more than one MIDI region to be viewed simultaneously (linked or unlinked), the Explode Folders setting lets you display, and print, the contents of different display (folder) levels simultaneously.

Still not seeing where it can help me…