Convert Auto Slur — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Convert Auto Slur

Change an Automatic Slur to a manual slur. Brings up a question about slurs and piano, guitar, and possibly other instruments. I know how to play a slur on a brass or reed instrument.

Add dynamic marks, slurs, and crescendi — Logic Pro X

To convert an automatic slur to a manual slur: Use the Convert Auto Slur key command.

Note: A manual slur cannot be converted to an automatic slur.

found this explanation while pondering the question…

notation — Understanding and distinguishing piano slurs and phrases — Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange

Slurs have different meanings for different instruments, and for singers. For example, for string instruments (violin, cello, etc) all the notes under a slur are played with one movement of the bow, but in some situations there can still be intentional gaps between the notes! In vocal music, slurs merely indicate that one syllable of the lyrics is sung to more than one note, and nothing more than that.


Change Gain… ⌃G — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Change Gain…   ⌃G

You can adjust the gain of the audio file, destructively. I use this command whenever I get an audio file that has a maximum gain of 0.0 dB — Logic can’t (or won’t) manipulate this audio in a non-destructive fashion, so I reduce it by .1 dB.

The key command is shared with “Normalize Region Gain” which I use all the time to adjust tracks to have peak values of -9 to -6 dB. The only time this would be counter-productive is when I get multi-tracks of a live performance. In these cases the peaks are performance coordinated. Use the Gain plugin across every track to lower the gain of everything equally — turn down the recording.


Snap Mode: 1/32 Note — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Snap Mode: 1/32 Note

This command only appears to work in the Piano Roll editor. If the command is entered in other editors, or the Arrange window where “Snap” is available the display of the setting will become blank, but the selection doesn’t change. In Arrange Snap will change from ‘Smart’ to ‘Snap to Grid’. In the Piano Roll Snap will change to ‘Snap to Grid’ and the setting will change to 1/32.

I don’t think this is proper behavior, but what do I know?


Remove DC Offset ⌃D — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Remove DC Offset    ⌃D

I don’t recall ever seeing an audio file with DC on it, but I know how to remove it. Removing DC offset will present a dialog box indicating how much offset is found, and requiring you to confirm removal. In my case all I ever see is 0.00%, so I cancel.

Play audio files in the Audio File Editor — Logic Pro X

Some audio interface hardware can layer direct current (DC) over the audio signal. This results in a vertical shift of the waveform position that can be clearly seen in the Audio File Editor. It can also cause crackling sounds at the start and end of the audio region during playback. Choose Functions > Remove DC Offset to center the waveform around the zero amplitude line.