Previous Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Previous Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument

Change the settings to the previous setting in the list of settings. At the top of instrument and plugin windows there is a menu to select presets. Below that are left and right arrows which are the “Previous” and “Next” selectors.

I find the buttons convenient for sampling presets.

Work with plug-in settings — Logic Pro X

Choose the next or previous plug-in setting


Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Sample — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Sample

Move the region one sample to the right. Incredibly fine-grained placement.

Move regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa. You can also move regions between open Tracks area windows, or between different open projects.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Main Window Tracks and Various Editors
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge Value ⌥→
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Tick
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Division
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Beat
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Bar
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by SMPTE Bit
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 1/2 SMPTE Frame
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 5 SMPTE Frames
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Sample
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 1 ms
Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 10 ms

Set Region Start to Bar — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Region Start to Bar

Moves the start of the MIDI region to the beginning of the bar. Only works with MIDI regions. Does not move the start forward in time, only to the beginning of the bar that the region starts in.

Once again I find complete sections of the user manual got removed from Logic Pro X. I am lucky to find answers in the Logic Pro 9 manuals, and fortunately those are still available online…why on earth did they remove the documentation for the tools? Cost of PDF files too much?

Logic Pro 9 User Manual: Resizing Regions

Use the MIDI > Set Region Start to Bar command (or use the corresponding key command) to round the start point of the selected MIDI region to the nearest bar.


Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Bar — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Bar

Moves the currently selected region or event one bar later.

Move regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X

You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa. You can also move regions between open Tracks area windows, or between different open projects.


Select MIDI Tracks — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Select MIDI Tracks

In the tracks views. Edit>Select Tracks>MIDI.

This selects tracks for external instruments, not software instruments.

The ‘Export All MIDI Tracks as MIDI file…’ command treats all instrument tracks, external and software, as MIDI tracks.

I guess there may be some operations that might be done to this kind of collection of tracks, maybe folders?