Region Automation: Program Change — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Region Automation: Program Change

One of the vast array of things that can be automated.

I thought things might get confusing if there were program change events in a region and automation was used to make a program change. No, it’s not. The “automation” is accomplished with Program Change events. If you create an automation point the event is inserted in the region.

The Region Automation commands as found in the Key Commands are not the only things that can be automated. Any MIDI event can be programmed for any channel. It’s a different way of adding events to the MIDI region.

Region-based vs. track-based automation — Logic Pro X

Logic Pro offers two types of automation: track-based automation, and region-based automation. Track-based automation can be applied to the entire track, from the beginning to the end of your project. Region-based automation only applies to the specific region the automation parameters are connected to. With track-based automation, if you re-record, move or copy regions (either to another point on the same track, or to another track) the automation data remains tied to the initial point on the track in which it was created. With region-based automation, if you re-record the region, the automation is lost; if you move or copy the region (either to another point on the same track, or to another track) the automation remains with the region. Region-based automation is particularly useful when you are automating instrument parameters.

Show automation curves — Logic Pro X

Before you can add automation points to a track’s automation curves, you need to show the automation curves. Automation curves are displayed as colored curves and points on top of audio and MIDI regions across the track, running the length of the project. You can choose whether to view and edit automation across the track (track-based automation) or only within the track’s regions (region-based automation).


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Views Showing Time Ruler
Region Automation: Volume
Region Automation: Panorama
Region Automation: Balance
Region Automation: Modulation
Region Automation: Breath
Region Automation: Foot Control
Region Automation: Portamento Time
Region Automation: Expression
Region Automation: Sustain Pedal
Region Automation: Control Change 20
Region Automation: Control Change 21
Region Automation: Control Change 22
Region Automation: Control Change 23
Region Automation: Control Change 24
Region Automation: Control Change 25
Region Automation: Control Change 26
Region Automation: Control Change 27
Region Automation: Control Change 28
Region Automation: Control Change 29
Region Automation: Control Change 30
Region Automation: Control Change 31
Region Automation: Control Change 32
Region Automation: Surround Angle
Region Automation: Surround Diversity
Region Automation: Surround LFE
Region Automation: Channel Pressure
Region Automation: Pitch Bend
Region Automation: Program Change
Region Automation: Note Velocity

Export All MIDI Tracks as MIDI File… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Export All MIDI Tracks as MIDI File…

Why do I care? I make it a habit to create a MIDI track with a single Meta event — Project Select — that can be exported as a MIDI file. If I want to share my project with someone who doesn’t have Logic Pro X all I need to do is export all of the audio files AND export the MIDI track as a MIDI file. The MIDI file contains handy information, e.g., key signature, time signature, tempo setting, and markers!

I can provide comments or instructions in the markers which can be imported into a different tool and be properly located on the timeline.

Only the current marker set is exported to the MIDI file. If there are multiple sets of markers (I do this to provide notes to myself while listening and working, first pass, second pass, etc.) If I want all of the markers I have to make multiple export passes. I should experiment with using separate marker sets per project alternative.

The documentation only says that in some cases you get a Format 1 MIDI file and in other cases you get a Format 0 MIDI file.

If you export a single MIDI region you get a Format 0 MIDI file.

If you export multiple MIDI regions you get a Format 1 MIDI file.

If you ‘Export All MIDI Tracks as MIDI File…’ you get a Format 1 MIDI file.

Format 0 — contains a single MTrk (track) chunk of data.

Format 1 — contains multiple MTrk chunks of data which are intended to be played simultaneously.

Format 2 — contains multiple MTrk chunks of data which are not expected to be played simultaneously. I have never seen a Format 2 file in the wild.


Export MIDI regions as standard MIDI files — Logic Pro X

You can export one or more MIDI regions as standard MIDI files, to play in another music app. If your project contains only MIDI regions, you can merge the regions and export the entire project as a MIDI file. Before exporting, you need to perform several steps to prepare the MIDI regions.


MFile 0 1 480
0 Meta 0x20 00
0 Meta SeqName "PX330 1*created"
0 Meta InstrName "PX330 1"
0 TimeSig 4/4 24 8
0 KeySig 0 major
0 SMPTE 1 0 0 0 0
0 Tempo 500000
891203 Meta Marker "Peter warmup tune.1"
1016457 Meta Marker "Gary and Andy warmup"
1151607 Meta Marker "Pistol Packin' Mama"
1319239 Meta Marker "Sweet Sue"
1681977 Meta Marker "Don't Fall In Love With Me Darling"
1898240 Meta Marker "Handsome Molly.1"
2148737 Meta Marker "Adobe Hacienda.1"
2353800 Meta Marker "Long Journey Home.1"
2701220 Meta Marker "I Don't Believe I'll Fall In Love Today.1"
2993353 Meta Marker "Big Iron.1"
3247477 Meta Marker "Detour.1"
3497047 Meta Marker "I Think I'll Just Go Away.1"
3774735 Meta Marker "Ridin' My Thumb to Mexico.11"
4007203 Meta Marker "Redwood Hill.11"
4196110 Meta Marker "Hold Watcha Got.1"
4436954 Meta Marker "Ghost Riders in the Sky.1"
4436954 Meta TrkEnd

Zoom to fit Selection vertically, store Navigation Snapshot — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Zoom to fit Selection vertically, store Navigation Snapshot

Most of the zoom and store commands are not mapped. It is a simple matter to adjust the zoom and use the Store Navigation Snapshot command.

I strongly recommend that you read the Logic Pro 9 manual introductory material to gain a proper understanding of what the tool can do. The commands and workflow are all there in Logic Pro X, but the description and discussion of things like Zoom were yanked from the Logic Pro X manual. Did the bits weigh too much for shipping?

Zoom windows — Logic Pro X

You can store three different zoom settings for each window using the Save as Zoom 1–3 key commands. Use the Recall Zoom 1–3 key commands to recall your zoomed settings. These commands only apply to the active window or window area.

Logic Pro 9 User Manual: Zooming the Working Area

You can set, and recall, up to 30 zoom level and scroll bar positions for each window. These allow you to navigate through a number of window zoom levels and scroll bar positions, making repetitive editing tasks much faster.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Various Windows
Zoom to fit Selection vertically and horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot ⌃⇧Z
Zoom to fit Selection horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot
Zoom to fit Selection vertically, store Navigation Snapshot
Zoom to fit Locators, store Navigation Snapshot
Zoom to fit All Contents, store Navigation Snapshot
Store Navigation Snapshot ⇧Z
Navigation: Back ⌥Z
Navigation: Forward ⌥⇧Z

Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Tick — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Tick

Changing lengths isn’t very well documented. Region length changes occur by moving the end of the region earlier(left) or later (right) as needed.

The “Nudge by nudge value” commands are probably more useful to me than the specific amount commands. Set the nudge value to something, use ⌥← and ⌥→ to move right. Use ⌥⇧← and ⌥⇧→ to change the length of the region.

Change the pitch, duration, and velocity of notes — Logic Pro X

Use one of the Nudge Region/Event Length key commands.


Move Selected Regions to Focused Track ⌃⇧T — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Move Selected Regions to Focused Track    ⌃⇧T

Moves regions to the selected track. The term “focused” track is far more accurate than “selected” since it is possible to have multiple tracks (or channel strips for that matter) selected. The visual indicator in the track numbers (the focused track is highlighted) is very useful. I need to pay attention to these kinds of details.

The focus for a command is outlined in blue — required knowledge when viewing an Arrange window with tracks, mixer, and lists all visible. Use the TAB key to change focus between the areas on the screen.

Some definitions are good to have

focused – Select tracks — Logic Pro X

You can select multiple tracks. When multiple tracks are selected, the first selected track is the focused track. Some operations, such as choosing a patch in the Library, only affect the focused track when multiple tracks are selected.