•Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 1 = — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  •Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 1  =

This is very handy, and a complete surprise to anyone who started using Logic with Logic Pro X. I still haven’t figured out why there is a bullet character at the front of the command, but whatever…these would make great commands for the Touch Bar.

Logic Pro 9 User Manual: Basic Operations

There are a number of techniques to choose from when making selections and editing items in Logic Pro. In this chapter, you’ll learn about basic operating, selection, and editing techniques, as well as a number of shortcuts and features that help to accelerate your workflow.


Command    Key Touch Bar
- Various Windows
•Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 1 =
•Decrease Last Clicked Parameter by 1 -
•Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 10 ⇧=
•Decrease Last Clicked Parameter by 10 ⇧-

Play/Stop Region ⌃⇧˽ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Shows Audio File Editor interface

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Play/Stop Region    ⌃⇧˽

When you are editing audio it can be useful to play parts of the audio that aren’t currently selected. The ‘Play/Stop Region’ command plays from the beginning of the region, as opposed to continuing from the selection.

I will need to read if I am going to do any serious audio editing in Logic. 

Play audio files in the Audio File Editor — Logic Pro X

Play/Stop Region: Toggles between playback of the region start and end points—regardless of the selected area.


Recall Screenset 1x ⌃1 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Recall Screenset 1x    ⌃1

Recall screensets 10 through 19. I haven’t used more than 5 in any of my projects, but I can certainly see how it might come to that. I have yet to try the intriguing “switch to screenset ##” during playback. That could be a big time saver if there are some extra fiddly things that need to be looked at.

Create, recall, and switch screensets — Logic Pro X

You position windows in a layout that suits the way you work. This layout of various windows, including their display size, zoom levels, position, and other settings, is called a screenset. Once defined, you can save, and freely switch between different screensets, much as you might between different computer displays.


Open in Audio File Editor ⌃W — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open in Audio File Editor    ⌃W

Opens the currently selected note/sample in the Audio File Editor. Not to be confused with the global command ‘Open in External Sample Editor ⇧W’ (I have this currently set to RX7) which opens the audio in a separate application.

Audio File Editor overview — Logic Pro X

Most day-to-day audio editing tasks are performed in the main window and Audio Track Editor. The Audio File Editor is useful for removing pops and clicks in audio material, setting accurate crossover points for looped playback, correcting phase cancellation errors, and more.

You can use the Audio File Editor to work with transient markers that indicate significant points—or transients—in an audio file. The audio on a track is analyzed for transients the first time you enable that track for Flex Time editing. Any detected transients in the file are marked.

Important: Most edits and functions performed in the Audio File Editor are destructive. This means the actual data of audio files is changed. Although you can undo edits and processing commands, you should work with copies of your audio files, rather than the originals.


Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Right ⌥→ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Right    ⌥→

In the EXS24 Sampler. Shifts to the right. I am not much of a sampler user, more of a sample player. When I first was exposed to samplers (Fairlight) they were ludicrously expensive and severely limited in their capacity. I thought it much better to get people to play real instruments 😉 Silly me.

Graphically edit EXS24 mkII zones and groups — Logic Pro X

You are not limited to editing zones and groups in the Parameters area. You can also graphically edit a number of zone and group parameters in the Zones/Groups Display area above the keyboard. If you want to edit the audio file of a zone, see Edit samples in the Logic Pro X Audio File Editor.

From the November 2007! “Sound on Sound”

Expressive Sound Design With EXS24

EXS24 is a fully fledged virtual sampler that allows you to not only load and play extensive libraries of sounds, but to also edit them and use them as starting points for further sonic manipulation. All the controllers and modifiers you would expect to find on an advanced synthesizer are included here and they’re all available from the Editor view of the plug-in window, with the added benefit of a very flexible modulation matrix allowing for all sorts of control signal source routing to various parameters. A flexible Filter section with six switchable modes of operation (high-pass, band-pass and four types of low-pass) provides all the tone-shaping options desired, while the amplifier section is ‘hard-wired’ to velocity (although constant values are also possible via limitation of the range control). Three LFOs and two Envelopes can be freely assigned to any generator or modifier parameter — as well as to each other — using the available modulation matrix, while the Via field allows for assignment of a further modulation source (typically a MIDI controller number, although control signal sources are an option too). The routing possibilities are endless, as are the ways in which a static source sample can be modulated dynamically.

Below is the Groove3 course listing for learning to use the EXS24 (Emagic Xtreme Sampler 24 bit)

EXS24 In Action — Turbocharge Your EXS24 Skills

Get an overview of the main windows, where samples & sampler instruments are stored, and how the EXS 24 works.

EXS Overview (09:18) — Get an overview of the main windows, where samples & sampler instruments are stored, and how the EXS 24 works.

Browsing & Managing (09:12) — Learn the different ways of browsing, searching, organizing, and backing up sampler instruments, and sampler instrument settings.
Voice & Pitch Parameters (07:14) — Discover how to use Unison mode to thicken up a sound and create a fat chorused effect.
Glide & Pitcher Parameters (10:00) — Learn how to create subtle pitch envelopes with the glide and pitcher parameters to beef up both drum and bass parts.
The Filter section (09:11) — See how the different filter parameters work and how they can be used to create movement on static legato pad sounds as well as shape drum parts.
Volume & ADSR (10:06) — Explore the different areas on the front panel used to modulate velocity and volume, both statically and over time via the Env 2 ADSR parameters.
The LFO Section (07:52) — Learn about the different controls for shaping various waveform patterns over time that can be used as modulation sources in the Modulation Matrix.
Modulation Routing — Pt. 1 (13:53) — Discover how to set up fun and interesting musical modulation pathways using the EXS24’s modulation matrix.
Modulation Routing — Pt. 2 (05:33) — More wild and whacky modulation routings — learn to stretch your imagination!
Chorusing / Detuning Techniques (10:25) — Learn how to use the EXS24 transpose, tuning, and fine-tuning parameters to create interesting timber shifting and chorusing effects.
Creating an Instrument (11:32) — See how to create a simple single zone EXS24 instrument from scratch.
Using Velocity Layers (10:50) — Discover how to add more zones to the simple single zone instrument, assign them to a group, and set up a velocity layer.
Creating Multi-Zone Instruments (09:53) — Explore the different ways of loading in, creating, and working with multiple zoned instruments.
Using Rex Files (09:26) — Learn the different ways of loading and using REX files directly from within the EXS24.
Creative Rex File Techniques (13:39) — Explore different ways of varying and randomizing the triggering of REX file zones for more expressive results.
Using Multiple Outputs (12:51) — See how to assign zones and groups to separate virtual outputs by means of the routing parameter, so that they can be sent to separate mixer strips for unique processing.
Sample Loop & Glitch (15:23) — Discover how to use the looping function in the Instrument Editor to create smooth transitions, as well as rapid glitch like loop effects.
Drum Tips & Tricks — Pt. 1 (08:33) — Get a potpourri of various drum programming tips and tricks using the EXS24 front panel features as well as Instrument Editor offsets and groups.
Drum Tips & Tricks — Pt. 2 (08:53) — Learn how to duplicate zones for easier MIDI input, set up monophonic groups for hi hats, and listen to the effect of velocity to attack offsets on various drum parts.
Crossfading & Key Switching (16:58) — See how to set up key switching.