Zoom to fit Locators, store Navigation Snapshot ⌃⇧Z — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Zoom to fit Locators, store Navigation Snapshot    ⌃⇧Z

It’s like breadcrumbs — follow a path backwards and forwards at levels of zoom for task focus.

When our screens graduated from 1024×768 lots of the zooming for focus became less necessary. Unfortunately we have lost the documentation and the lore about really using the Logic displays to help with our tasks. The entire section of the manual “Customizing Your Window Setup” got lost between version 9 and version 10.

Now we add chapter 4 as required reading along with chapter 8 (Basic Operations) which ideally would be done way early in the process of learning to use Logic.

I think I would be more inclined to zoom to fit both horizontally and vertically…

Logic Pro 9 User Manual: Zooming the Working Area

You can set, and recall, up to 30 zoom level and scroll bar positions for each window. These allow you to navigate through a number of window zoom levels and scroll bar positions, making repetitive editing tasks much faster.

Command    Key Touch Bar
- Various Windows
Zoom to fit Selection vertically and horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot ⌃⌥⇧⌘Z
Zoom to fit Selection horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot
Zoom to fit Selection vertically, store Navigation Snapshot
Zoom to fit Locators, store Navigation Snapshot ⌃⇧Z
Zoom to fit All Contents, store Navigation Snapshot
Toggle Zoom to fit Selection or All Contents Z

Select Members of Group 48 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Select Members of Group 48

There are only 32 groups (2020-08-07 — version 10.5.1) This may be here for future expansion, or they decided to not implement the use of the extra 32 groups. Sort of “user memory”? Group defaults? Named groups?

Groups inspector in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You use the Groups inspector to define the behavior of each Mixer group. The Groups inspector appears in the Track inspector when one or more groups have been created, and it can be opened as a floating window as well. It contains the following settings:

Set Nudge Value to 1 ms ⌃⌥1 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Set Nudge Value to 1 ms    ⌃⌥1

Quickly change the Nudge value to one millisecond. Realistically my smallest resolution for nudging might be SMPTE frames or quarter-frames. The difference of a millisecond is difficult to discern without multiple scales to compare it to (audio and video).

Logic Pro X: Move regions in the Tracks area

You can move regions to a different point in the same track, or move them to another track of the same type. You can move an audio region to another audio track, for example, but not to a software instrument track, or vice versa. You can also move regions between open Tracks area windows, or between different open projects.

Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Division — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Division

Make the currently selected Region/Event shorter by the division value. Moves the end position of the event earlier in time.

The “Nudge Region/Event Length” commands are only mentioned in passing in the “View and edit music notation” section of the manual. Clearly the commands are useful in places other than simply notation.

I think I am more fascinated by the “slip” and “rotate” region commands.

Move regions in the Logic Pro Tracks area — Apple Support

You can nudge regions (move them in small increments) left or right using key commands. To nudge regions, you first set the nudge value, then move selected regions by this value. Alternatively, you can nudge regions by a set value.