Toggle Level of Auxiliary Channel Strips — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Toggle Level of Auxiliary Channel Strips

Swap (toggle) between two different levels for all of the Auxiliary channel strips. Nice tool to have when mixing. Set the mix bus levels to the same for each part of the toggle and you will be able to turn off/down things like reverbs and other send effects.

Set channel strip volume in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can set the volume level of each channel strip independently, balancing the relative volume of the tracks in your project. You can also quickly switch between two different volume levels on a channel strip.

Flatten Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Flatten Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips

Removes the tracks from the track stack, and remove the stack channel strip from the mixer. NB that when you remove a stack the channel strip _moves_ to the normal location for an AUX channel or a VCA.

I assume that there is a separate command for this when working in the mixer since there really aren’t any tracks to work with.

In the standard configuration of Logic Pro X the ‘Flatten Stack – ⇧⌘U’ command has no overloaded commands, so you could assign the same keyboard sequence to the ‘Flatten Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips’. I have done this and don’t see any particular downside. The same can be true for ‘Create Track Stack for Selected Channel Strips — ⇧⌘D’.

Multi-Bus Template

Logic Pro X — EFFECTS SENDS — Post Pan, Post Fader, Pre Fader, Sends on Faders, Independent Pan — YouTube:

Logic Pro X — EFFECTS SENDS — Post Pan, Post Fader, Pre Fader, Sends on Faders, Independent Pan

For today’s work I reinforced my understanding of sends, faders, panning, and such for Logic.

Modified the multi-bus template to add HP1 and HP2 to bus labels for in-ear/monitor mixing.

I am reminded that Outputs (sends) are assigned to busses. Logic creates AUX channels (with strips) as destination for the busses. Keeping this distinction in mind helps understanding the audio path.