Spot Erase ⌃⌥⌫ ⇧8⃣ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Spot Erase ⌃⌥⌫ ⇧8⃣

The documentation indicates software instruments (MIDI). I have been able to hear Spot Erase happening, and I assumed that if I was recording a software instrument (a second take) that the Spot Erase would delete events…I haven’t been able to make that happen, if it should.

Drum machines and pattern editing seem to be mentioned in online information.

Spot erase software instrument recordings — Logic Pro X

You can use spot erase to remove any unwanted notes from a recorded performance.

“Playing” notes to be erased seems quite unnatural to me. I think I would rather work in the Piano Roll or the Event List to change or delete notes.

Previously I had written that I couldn’t make Spot Erase work. I have now been successful using it. It is unnatural.

Spot erase software instrument recordings — Logic Pro X

You can use spot erase to remove any unwanted notes from a recorded performance.