The Nashville Number System Demystified

The Nashville Number System Demystified

The Nashville Number System is a quick and easy way to write chord charts to songs in a way that others (well, others who are familiar with the system) can easily read. One of the main benefits is that it works regardless of the key of the song, and it clearly shows the song’s structure.

Uh, nope — still mystifying

Example Chart 13 100 1245x1536

Convert Auto Slur — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Convert Auto Slur

Change an Automatic Slur to a manual slur. Brings up a question about slurs and piano, guitar, and possibly other instruments. I know how to play a slur on a brass or reed instrument.

Add dynamic marks, slurs, and crescendi — Logic Pro X

To convert an automatic slur to a manual slur: Use the Convert Auto Slur key command.

Note: A manual slur cannot be converted to an automatic slur.

found this explanation while pondering the question…

notation — Understanding and distinguishing piano slurs and phrases — Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange

Slurs have different meanings for different instruments, and for singers. For example, for string instruments (violin, cello, etc) all the notes under a slur are played with one movement of the bow, but in some situations there can still be intentional gaps between the notes! In vocal music, slurs merely indicate that one syllable of the lyrics is sung to more than one note, and nothing more than that.


Minor scale — Wikipedia

Minor scale — Wikipedia:

In music theory, the term minor scale refers to three scale patterns — the natural minor scale (or Aeolian mode), the harmonic minor scale, and the melodic minor scale (ascending or descending)[1] — rather than just one as with the major scale.

I was listening to a podcast yesterday. There were two speakers, both claim to have been classically-trained with degrees in music theory and/or music performance.

Neither of them could “speak” the difference between the “minor” scales

  • natural
  • harmonic — seventh degree raised semitone — leading tone
  • melodic — raised sixth and seventh degree ascending, not raised descending

You’ll know it when you hear it.

Roman numeral analysis — Wikipedia

Roman numeral analysis — Wikipedia:

In music, Roman numeral analysis uses Roman numerals to represent chords. The Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, …) denote scale degrees (first, second, third, fourth, …); used to represent a chord, they denote the root note on which the chord is built. For instance, III denotes the third degree of a scale or the chord built on it. Generally, uppercase Roman numerals (such as I, IV, V) represent major chords while lowercase Roman numerals (such as i, iv, v) represent minor chords (see Major and Minor below for alternative notations); elsewhere, upper-case Roman numerals are used for all chords.[2] In Western classical music in the 2000s, Roman numeral analysis is used by music students and music theorists to analyze the harmony of a song or piece.

A great place to find notation conventions. NNS gives me such grief…