6 Ways to Tame a Bright Mix

‘[6 Ways to Tame a Bright Mix](https://www.izotope.com/en/blog/mixing/6-ways-to-tame-a-bright-mix.html)’

6 Ways to Tame a Bright Mix

by Geoff Manchester, iZotope Video Manager July 17, 2019

Taming a bright mix
There’s nothing worse than an overly bright mix. Sibilant vocals, splashy drums, resonant synths, fizzy guitars—too much top and your mix will burn ears, too little and it will sound lifeless.

5 Mixing Tips for Better Snare Drums

5 Mixing Tips for Better Snare Drums

by Daniel Dixon, iZotope Contributor July 8, 2019

Snares should sound punchy, but not overwhelming. What’s a happy medium?
It takes lots of practice to get a snare mix right. After vocals, snares are one of the most commanding sounds in modern mixes, but also prone to become sharp with careless processing. In this article, I’ll share five tips I use to bring snare drums to life, and help them cut through the mix in a pleasing way.

Select Summing Stack Tracks — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Select Summing Stack Tracks

Located in the Edit dropdown menu in the Arrange window. Selects all of the Summing Stacks in the Arrange window.

Track Stacks overview — Logic Pro X

Summing stacks let you combine multiple tracks and route their output to an audio subgroup. When you create a summing stack, the outputs from the subtracks are routed to a bus. The destination aux of the bus is assigned to the main track. When the main track is selected, you can mute, solo, and adjust volume and send levels for the summing stack, and add and edit plug-ins, affecting the sound of all the subtracks in the summing stack. This is similar to the way an audio group works.


Classical Music: Recording, Mixing, and Mastering Fundamentals

Classical Music: Recording, Mixing, and Mastering Fundamentals

by Jett Galindo, iZotope Contributor July 3, 2019

Recording, mixing, and mastering classical music requires different techniques than most modern productions.
Classical music is known for its nuanced sonics—from the wide dynamics all the way to its vast range in the frequency spectrum. With that comes a unique set of challenges for sound engineers when recording, mixing, and mastering classical music.