Select Similar Regions/Events ⇧S — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Select Similar Regions/Events    ⇧S

The first question that came to mind is “what does similar mean?” The Event List documentation answers that question for MIDI events — same “event” not necessarily all the same qualifiers. In the case of Note On it will select all of the ‘C’ notes without regard to octave — they are similar.

You can select all the pitch bends, mod wheels, SysEx, etc.

Audio regions…not at all clear what this does except select all of the audio regions in the Event List.

Select events in the Event List — Logic Pro X

Similar Events (or press Shift-S): Selects all C#3 note events, for example.


View Mode: One Track — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  View Mode: One Track

In the Piano Roll editor.

When you have multiple regions selected you can view all of the MIDI notes for all of the regions at the same time. To look at one track choose this view mode. ‘Selected Regions’ will show all the values.

It is particularly handy to choose ‘Collapse Mode’ to show only the MIDI notes that are actually in use. The ‘Collapse Mode’ button is directly to the right of the ‘View’ drop-down menu at the top of the editor.


Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Delete outside Locators -> Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators

Only keep what is between the locators. My list of Logic Pro X keyboard commands was out of date.

The ‘Delete outside Locators’ command (not looking proper) is correctly named ‘Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators’ (looks proper). The command makes sense with MIDI events, not necessarily much sense with audio data.

Mute and delete regions and events — Logic Pro X

Inside or Outside Locators: Erases all MIDI events inside/outside the locators.

Delete notes in the Piano Roll Editor — Logic Pro X

When copying events or reducing the length of MIDI regions, events can sometimes end up outside the limits of a MIDI region. These technically still belong to the MIDI region, although they won’t be played or heard.