Quantize Selected Events Q ⌘:6: — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Quantize Selected Events    Q    ⌘:6:

Quantization is very “fiddly”, but essential to create good sounding music. With MIDI notes both time and pitch can be quantized. Audio regions present a different challenge for editing.

From what I can see the typical drum editing task (getting hits “in time”) can be accomplished to a great extent with a simple quantization to the appropriate division. Want those kick hits right on the beat? Turn on Flex Editing and quantize to a quarter note.

Quantize regions — Logic Pro X

Quantizing involves the rhythmic correction of audio or MIDI regions to a specific time grid. Any notes not played in time are moved to the nearest position on the grid.


Show/Hide Program ⌥⌘1 — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide Program    ⌥⌘1

One of the appearance toggles for MIDI channel strips. The setting is found in the popup menu for configuring channel strip components. Only available when the selected channel is a MIDI

MIDI channel strips overview — Logic Pro X

Program buttons: Use to select a sound by name. Click one to open a pop-up menu that contains either GM sound names (the default setting) or sound names created or imported by the user. Each channel strip has its own pop-up menu, whose content can vary depending on the Bank number selected in the Bank fields.


Toggle Allow Quick Punch-in — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Allow Quick Punch-in

The magic of the modern recording process — digital editing — the zero-crossing.

Logic allows for 1000 tracks now, so any conceivable limit (128 tracks required to quick-punch 64 tracks) is gone.

Quick punch-in and out are probably best used by a producer/engineer while “the talent” is playing. If you are self-engineering auto punch is probably more useful.

Autopunch can be controlled very easily from the MCU using the DROP button (need to find out why drop).

I have mapped a few of the Autopunch commands into Logic Remote for my iPhone. That’s handy. Adding an iPad to the set of active tools in the studio becomes more and more important.

Punch in and out of audio recordings — Logic Pro X

A useful and common recording practice is to switch in and out of recording mode while listening to the previously recorded material, sometimes referred to as “punching in on the fly.” This helps you fix mistakes or create alternate takes for a particular section. To ensure the transition between playing and recording occurs without any audible gaps, you must turn on Quick Punch-In mode.

Use the Mackie Control Drop button — Control Surfaces Help

To activate Punch view, press the SHIFT and DROP buttons.


Fine-tuning Automation In Logic — Sound on Sound

This is a very old article from Sound on Sound magazin from September 2005 — 14 years ago. It is a nice introduction to the value of automation, and the incredible power provided in Logic. Just about everything can be automated — even changing the screen set that you are currently viewing.

It is important to read further to be clear about what Logic Pro X can do (like Track Automation and Region Automation) for just one example.

Fine-tuning Automation In Logic

Comprehensive automation is one of Logic ‘s most powerful facets, allowing micro-management of all the settings in your mix.

Snap Automation Mode: 1/8 Note — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Snap Automation Mode: 1/8 Note

It is helpful to be able to align automation points onto the “grid” of a region. If there isn’t a grid (just time ruler) it is probably easier to create an automation point and adjust the position by entering the proper time in the Automation Event window (currently ⌃⌘E)

The Automation Event window is very useful if you are trying to figure out which fader corresponds to a plugin control.

Snap automation to grid positions — Logic Pro X

You can snap track automation to grid positions. You can choose if you want automation to automatically use the division value chosen in the Snap menu, or you can choose a different snap value for automation.


Fader notes: Faders are assigned to channels. Channel 1 is the channel main control. Channel 2 is the first insert, Channel 3 is the second insert. There are 15 possible inserts. The control values are 56 to 71. The 8 send values are 72 to 79.

A complete and utter rabbit hole 😉