Open/Close MIDI Insert 9 Plug-in Window of focused Track — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open/Close MIDI Insert 9 Plug-in Window of focused Track

This is one of the “suspect commands” for me. How would I know which insert is in slot 9? In Logic Pro X you can only insert 8 MIDI plugins, so the 9-15 commands are bogons (bogus bits/particles).

An audio channel can have 15 inserts, but again, how would I know what is in slot 7 to begin with?

Time to check the predecessors. I can’t find any reference at all pre-Logic Pro X. I did find this…

Open/Close Instrument Plug-In Window of Focused Track:

While everyone is elated about the new addition in SMART TEMPO in Logic X, I am secretly celebrating another hidden feature in 10.4. It is called “Open/Close Instrument Plug-In Window of Focused Track”. Logic users have been asking for this particular feature for years and now it is here. Let me show and tell you what this does.

I also got to play a bit with using the PX-330 as a GM MIDI module.


Set Locators and Play — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Locators and Play

Set the locators to the selection boundaries and play from the left locator. You can use the marquee tool to select a section, then use this command to play.

I think the more useful commands are “Set Rounded Locators and Cycle Play”, or even better for my mixing style “Set Locators by Next Marker and Enable Cycle ‘⌃⌥.’ control-option-period”.

Use the cycle area — Logic Pro X:

You can use the cycle area to repeatedly play a particular part of a project. The cycle area can be used for composing, practicing a part before recording, recording multiple takes, and other purposes.


Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Tick — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Tick

This is a powerful tool when editing. The X-Touch has a nudge mode, so left/right movement of regions can be done from the controller as well. I am pleased when I find commands that are useful and that are implemented on my control surface. Makes me smile. Things I will use.

Move regions in the Tracks area — Logic Pro X:

Nudge regions by a set value
Use one of the following key commands:

Mackie Control Nudge button overview — Control Surfaces Help:

The NUDGE button allows you to move (nudge) selected audio or MIDI regions (or events) in Small, Large, or Temporary Nudge mode.

Large Nudge mode — Control Surfaces Help:

Hold down the SHIFT button, then press the NUDGE button to show eight functions on the LCD that are mapped to the corresponding V-Pot buttons. These functions allow you to move the selected region or events by various amounts or to a specific position. Press the NUDGE button a second time to turn off Large Nudge mode.