Show/Hide Project Audio — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Show/Hide Project Audio

Shows or hides the project audio browser. There is a button in the control bar — one of the browser collection — that can be used to show the project audio.

The browsers (and the commands) show evidence of being added to and changed over time. Project Audio is clumped with browsers, but not called a browser. “Media” browser has no command available to show or hide, just clicking on the “Media” tab in the audio/media/file browser.

There is a command sequence on the Logic Control — SHIFT-F8 — that is mapped to ‘Show/Hide Project Audio’. A bit of reading in the Control Surfaces manual leads us to the term ‘Audio Bin’ which is now known as ‘Project Audio’.

A lot of the Logic workflow can be inferred when reading _old_ documentation.

- Global Commands
Show/Hide Loop Browser O
Show/Hide File Browser
Show/Hide Project Audio

- Main Window Tracks
Show/Hide Browsers F

Why is the X-Touch Compact Not a “Good” Controller For Logic Pro X?

People have purchased the X-Touch Compact assuming that it functions the same way that the X-Touch does, or that it can be extended by adding another one, or using it with the full X-Touch. It’s not true.

The X-Touch essentially is a “Logic Control” control surface — and has virtually complete documentation in the Logic Control Surfaces manual.

Yes, you can put the X-Touch Compact into “Mackie Control” mode and will do many things, but you will have to memorize the mappings etc. etc.

The extra $200 for the full X-Touch is more than worth it, if you can find a way to save up for it.

If your needs are simpler than full control of Logic from the controller you might find the X-Touch One a better compromise. It costs $200 less, and has many of the features of the full X-Touch, just fewer faders and V-Pots.

Note carefully ! The USB hub on the X-Touch Compact only operates when the controller is in USB mode. If you put it into “Mackie Control” mode you lose the ability to connect USB devices through the X-Touch to the Mac. Me, personally, I like being able to plug a MIDI keyboard into the USB connection and have it work. Your mileage may vary.

I just can’t see any reason to choose the less-than-functional middle-priced solution of an X-Touch Compact.

Set All Tracks to Automation Touch ⌃⇧⌘T — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set All Tracks to Automation Touch    ⌃⇧⌘T

My normal starting state is to have Read automation turned on. Whatever automation there is gets applied. When mixing the state should be changed to Touch — whatever is there is read until you change a parameter (move a fader) which is in effect until you stop movement at which point automation is again Read.

I would probably use this command at the start of a first pass for a mix letting me alter all of the tracks as I need to. As mixing progresses, or focus on certain sections becomes important it might be better to set all the tracks to Read and only enable Touch on the important tracks.

Choose automation modes — Logic Pro X

Automation modes determine how automation tracks are treated. Automation is either being read or being written. You can independently set the automation mode for each track. You can also trim automation values and record relative automation data.

The X-Touch (I use X-Touch and MCU and Logic Control interchangeably) has an entire section of buttons and modes dedicated to automation. It makes sense since the automation is often applied from a physical controller — so much easier than turning knobs with a mouse…

Mackie Control automation buttons — Control Surfaces Help

Hold down the OPTION button, then press one of the Automation buttons to assign the selected automation mode to all channels. When an automation mode has been assigned to all channels, the corresponding automation mode button LED illuminates whenever you hold down the OPTION button.