Save as Zoom 2 ⌃⌥⇧⌘2 — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Save as Zoom 2 ⌃⌥⇧⌘2

You can save up to three zoom settings that can be recalled with a command key.

You can use the Zoom tool to zoom in on portions of the display. Each successive Zoom is saved as a list (like breadcrumbs) and you can backtrack zoom settings by clicking the Zoom tool (as opposed to dragging a selection area).

My use of Zoom tools is rudimentary. I use a large display. This is all going to change as I learn to use my laptop for in-depth work. The difference between a 27 inch display and a 13 inch display can seem daunting.

Zoom Logic Pro windows — Apple Support

When you zoom in or out, the top-left (and selected) event or region remains in the visible area of the screen. If no selected region or event is visible, zooming is centered around the playhead. If the playhead isn’t visible, the current center of the window is retained.

You can store three different zoom settings for each window using the Save as Zoom 1–3 key commands. Use the Recall Zoom 1–3 key commands to recall your zoomed settings. These commands only apply to the active window or window area.

Show/Hide Live Loops Grid — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Show/Hide Live Loops Grid

In the main/Arrange window. Shows or hides the ‘Live Loops’ grid (like an expandable Ableton Live controller). There is a button in the function menu, just to the right of the ‘View’ menu — 9 squares — that performs the command.

Logic Pro Live Loops overview — Apple Support

Live Loops lets you arrange and play with musical ideas in real time in a grid of cells, each containing a musical phrase or loop. You can start and stop cells freely while keeping everything in sync with the beat and the project tempo. Each grid row uses the same signal routing and channel strip settings as the adjacent track in the Tracks area. Cells in grid columns, called scenes, can be triggered together to act as musical sections. An extensive set of parameters gives you full control over playback, recording, and looping, so you can spontaneously take your music in new directions.

Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 1/2 SMPTE Frame — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 1/2 SMPTE Frame

Move the event one half frame to the left. The amount of time that is shifted is dependent on the SMPTE frame rate. I am always entertained when I see and hear videos that are remarkably well aligned…

Logic Pro soundtracks overview — Apple Support

QuickTime video is embedded with an internal SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) timecode. SMPTE timecode is an absolute timecode that covers a 24-hour period. It displays hours, minutes, seconds, frames, and subframes. Logic Pro recognizes SMPTE timecode and converts it to MTC (MIDI Time Code). MTC is the MIDI equivalent of SMPTE timecode. Different video frame rates are automatically interpreted by Logic Pro. See MTC interpretation in Logic Pro.

Nudge Automation down 1 Step — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Nudge Automation down 1 Step

Moves the selected automation curve down by 1 step. A step is dependent on the type of automation. Volume is stepped in .1 dB increments.

Overview of automation in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Automation refers to recording, editing, and playing back the movements of faders, knobs, and switches. Using automation, you can create changes over time to volume, pan, and other settings. You can add automation to all track types.