Tempo Track: Replace By Average — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Tempo Track: Replace By Average

Straightforward definition. If I was concerned about the timing of music I would certainly pay more attention to tempo.

Add and edit tempo points — Logic Pro X

Using this function, the selected tempo points are replaced by their average value (the weighted average) so that the length (duration) of the performance is maintained.

Tempo track overview — Logic Pro X

In the Tempo track, tempo changes are represented by tempo points. You create tempo changes by adding tempo points and editing their values. You can expand the Tempo track to give yourself more room to work, and adjust the range of values for the Tempo track.


Selection Start and End to Previous Transient and Play ⌥⌘← — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Selection Start and End to Previous Transient and Play    ⌥⌘←

In the Audio File Editor. Cleaning up drum bleed could be remarkably simple using the transients as guidelines. I am not the person to go to for editing advice, being performance oriented, but this is mighty handy.

Use transient markers to make selections — Logic Pro X

You can use transient markers to select part of an audio file for editing purposes.


Show/Hide List Editors D — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Show/Hide List Editors    D

List Editors (Event, Marker, Tempo, Signature) appear on the right hand side of the Arrange window. Use the toolbar button (looks like a list) to show the viewer, or use the keyboard command.

Each of the List Editors can be in a separate window. Drag the name of the list from the Arrange window view into the tracks area to select the list.

Another odd behavior (to me) — there can be multiple Event List windows open, and multiple Signature List windows. Those lists can be opened from the Window menu. Marker and Tempo do not have separate commands in the menus. You can drag multiple Marker and Tempo windows out from the Arrange window viewer.

Event List interface — Logic Pro X

The Event List shows all the events in your project, such as MIDI note events or region start events, in a vertical list format. You can use it to make precise edits, and for other tasks better suited to numeric rather than graphic edits. You can display all events or limit them by category.


Region Automation: Modulation — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Region Automation: Modulation

In addition to Volume, and Pan you can automate almost any MIDI event. That’s a staggering amount of control of tracks, devices, and even Logic itself.

Show automation curves — Logic Pro X

Before you can add automation points to a track’s automation curves, you need to show the automation curves. Automation curves are displayed as colored curves and points on top of audio and MIDI regions across the track, running the length of the project. You can choose whether to view and edit automation across the track (track-based automation) or only within the track’s regions (region-based automation).


Select Similar Regions/Events ⇧S — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Select Similar Regions/Events    ⇧S

The first question that came to mind is “what does similar mean?” The Event List documentation answers that question for MIDI events — same “event” not necessarily all the same qualifiers. In the case of Note On it will select all of the ‘C’ notes without regard to octave — they are similar.

You can select all the pitch bends, mod wheels, SysEx, etc.

Audio regions…not at all clear what this does except select all of the audio regions in the Event List.

Select events in the Event List — Logic Pro X

Similar Events (or press Shift-S): Selects all C#3 note events, for example.