Apply Transform User Preset 3 to selected Events — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Apply Transform User Preset  3 to selected Events

The MIDI Transform window can be opened from the Window menu, or by entering ‘⌘9’. There are 30 ‘Apply Transform User Preset … to selected Events’.

Use transform sets — Logic Pro X:

1. Choose Create New Transform Set from the Presets pop-up menu.

2. Set conditions and operations.

3. Select the “Hide unused parameters” checkbox. This helps to avoid changes to conditions and operations that aren’t required for (or may disturb) your transform set.

4. Choose New Parameter Set (Number) from the Presets pop-up menu. Enter a new name for your transform set.

This transform set now appears at the bottom of the Presets list in all MIDI Transform windows for this project. You should consider saving your user transform sets in one or more template projects. This way, they are always available to you in all future projects.

Tip: Renaming an existing transform set creates a new transform set that is identical to the original. The existing (source) transform set is retained.


Edit Project Alternatives — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Edit Project Alternatives

Rename or delete alternatives. I find alternatives to be very useful dealing with sets of recorded music. Each song in a set gets it’s own alternative.

Use project alternatives and backups — Logic Pro X

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can create alternative versions of a project, each with a unique name and different settings. Project alternatives let you save “snapshots” of a project in different states, including different cuts or mixes. They’re saved as part of the project and share the same assets. Alternatives for the current project appear in the File > Project Alternatives submenu.

Backups let you go back to earlier saved versions of a project. Each time you save a project using the File > Save menu item (or pressing Command-S), a version of the current project alternative is saved (up to ten backups per alternative). In the Project > Revert to submenu, backups for the current alternative are listed in descending order from newest to oldest.


Rest ˽ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Rest    ˽

It’s a great idea to rest. When using the Step Input keyboard you insert a rest by pressing the space bar. The rest will be chosen by the note value selected in the upper part of the keyboard.

Use step input recording techniques — Logic Pro X

Step input allows you to insert MIDI notes when you’re not recording in real time. You can use step input to create note runs that may be too fast for you to play or to replicate sheet music that’s too difficult for you to play.


Load Audio Sample… ⌃F — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Load Audio Sample…    ⌃F

EXS24 software sampler. The keystone of software instruments in Logic Pro X.

This is a tool that I use all the time, the software instruments, but probably will never dive into to create my own instrument. Complex and challenging. I assume that the limited user interfaces on early samplers made it “easier” to work with once having learned the basics. Modern sampler instruments are far more complex.

EXS24 mkII Instrument Editor overview — Logic Pro X

The Instrument Editor is used to create and edit sampler instruments. A sampler instrument consists of zones and groups: