Automation in the Audio Mastering World: Leveling up Your Ozone 8 Skills with Tasteful Automation

Automation in the Audio Mastering World: Leveling up Your Ozone 8 Skills with Tasteful Automation:

Automation isn’t just for mixing engineers. Neither is automation strictly limited to volume rides. Whether you’re working in the analog or digital world—or relying on a hybrid audio mastering setup—there are a handful of circumstances where time-based adjustments on your mastering chain can help you achieve your desired results. Let’s look into a few practical examples of automation being used in recent mastering sessions.

iZotope — Pro Audio Essentials

iZotope — Pro Audio Essentials:

Pro Audio Essentials is a game-based course for music producers to practice and improve their audio skills. This unique learning experience uses audio games, ear training, and videos to build the production skills that music makers use every day when recording, mixing, and mastering.