Open Environment Mixer… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Open Environment Mixer…

There isn’t much that can only be done in the Environment Mixer since virtually everything is made available in the Arrange window Mixer view and the Mixer window.

The only practical use I have found — so far — is to create channel strips for audio inputs. You can add insert plugins and sends to the input channel, effectively pre-processing input that gets recorded. Print EQ, compression, and gain!

Channel strip objects overview — Logic Pro X

The Environment’s channel strip object is the building block of the Environment’s Mixer layer, the Logic Pro Mixer, and the inspector’s channel strips. For details about channel strip types, see Channel strip types.


Coming Out | Sound on Sound Magazine

Coming Out |:

Software synths have taken over many of the roles that were once fulfilled by keyboard or rackmounting instruments, but many of us still have favourite hardware synths we’d like to integrate into our systems. And although Logic Pro has very capable MIDI features, its handling of external MIDI synths is not quite as intuitive as it might be. It often turns out that there’s more than one way to do a job, with no one way being clearly the ‘right’ way. For this article I’m going to go through the way I set up my own external Roland JV2080 (using only its stereo output).

The Rosetta Stone — this helped me understand GM Mixer and multi-track MIDI devices so much better.

Reset Sizes — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Reset Sizes

According to the Keyboard Commands window this command is in the MIDI Environment. I have yet to discover where in that convoluted thing it exists. My suspicion is that the command is actually “Size by default” located in the “Cleanup” menu in the environment window. It certainly functions like that — resetting objects to their default size.

Environment overview — Logic Pro X:

The Environment refers to the virtual environment of Logic Pro inside your computer. It provides a virtual view of your MIDI studio, giving you complete control over your MIDI setup, and includes the following objects.


Go to Layer of Object — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Go to Layer of Object

I am astonished. I can open as many MIDI Environment windows that I want. They all have the same name. The trick is to use multiple windows to show layers and work.

The command is found in the “Options” drop down menu.